[Maths-Education] RE: Group Theory and Soduko

Ernest, Paul P.Ernest at exeter.ac.uk
Sat Nov 29 11:30:13 GMT 2008

Dear Colleagues

My Group theory is a bit rusty, but I was looking at a completed Soduko  which is a 9X9 grid and it is obviously a permutation - each line is a rearrangemnt of previous with no elements staying in same place - so my thought is - it should (or could?) be a permutation group of order 9. Now I only recall 2 finite groups of order 9 - C9 (cyclic group of order nine) and C3XC3 (cartesian product of 2 cyclic groups of order 3)

But playing with transformations/rearrangements of the Soduko square did not get me anywhere.

The number of nine element permutations is 9! so the 9 shown in an S grid is a tiny part of all possible perms - do these form a group? If so, what operation transforms them into each other?

The answer may differ for different completed Sodukos as they constitute different selections of 9 permutations

To be a group, one of them has to be a unit transformation, and each needs an inverse

Actually I'm starting to have doubts as to where an aribtrary Soduko grid does form a group

I'm sure someone else has thought about this and can answer it better than me!

More generally, how do you determine a group from a finite group table (without the labels)

Any interest or answers?

Best wishes

Paul Ernest
Emeritus Professor
University of Exeter
SELL, St Lukes, Heavitree Road
Exeter  EX1 2LU, UK

Visiting Professor, HiST-ALT, Norway
Visiting Professor, UiO, Norway

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