[Maths-Education] FW: Mathematics Teacher Education for Social Justice

Gates Peter Peter.Gates at nottingham.ac.uk
Fri Oct 12 12:42:29 BST 2007

I am editing a special issue of the Journal for Mathematics Teacher
Education on 
Mathematics Teacher Education and Social Justice
The JMTE board feel this is a possibly underrepresented theme in
mathematics teacher education and want to go some way to shifting the
I am looking for people working in that area who might want to consider
writing and submitting something for publication. There are several
1.	Articles of between 5,000-10,000 words depending on whether a
contribution is a research paper or a paper raising critical thoughts
2.	a book review of around 2000- 3000 words
3.	a selection of short reviews of other books
4.	Contributions to a section illustrating positive examples of
work in mathematics classrooms or with mathematics teachers with a
social justice focus or element. This section might be written by
teachers or teachers with teacher educators who might take a leading
I am interested also in hearing from colleagues in underrepresented
countries/colleagues who might feel they have something to contribute
and might welcome working with a "more experienced" author to produce an
There will be an international editorial team consisting at the moment
of myself and Robyn Zevenbergen - although others will join that
shortly. I will also be looking for colleagues to act as peer reviewers.
I expect it will not be possible to take all offers - so apologies to
some in advance. Naturally I will have to ensure a balance.
I am working on the premise the reviewing process will take place around
February 2008
If you want to talk this through, or wrote something or offer services
as a peer reviewer or just exchange some ideas please feel free to
contact me 
Dr Peter Gates
Associate Professor
Director of Research Degrees
Centre for Research on Equity and Diversity in Education
UNESCO Centre for Comparative Education Research
School of Education
The University of Nottingham
Wollaton Road
Nottingham NG8 1BB Great Britain

Tel: +44 0115 951 4432 (Work direct line)
Tel: +44 0115 945 2550 (Home)
Tel: +44 0773 0808 353 (Mobile)
Fax: +44 0115 846 6600

1) peter.gates at nottingham.ac.uk (work)
2) peter.gates3 at btopenworld.com (personal)

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