[Maths-Education] FW: the PME mailing list

Gates Peter Peter.Gates at nottingham.ac.uk
Mon Mar 26 08:35:03 BST 2007


From: Luis Radford [mailto:lradford at laurentian.ca] 
Sent: Monday, March 26, 2007 12:00 AM
To: Peter.Gates at nottingham.ac.uk
Subject: the PME mailing list

Dear Peter,


May I ask you to distribute the following information to the PME-mail electronic mailing list and to the maths-education list in the UK?


Thank you.


Luis Radford


Semiotics, Culture, and Mathematical Thinking


Revista Latinoamericana de Investigación en Matemática Educativa has just released a special issue on Semiotics, Culture, and Mathematical Thinking (Guest Editors: Luis Radford and Bruno D'Amore).


A pdf version of the special issue can be found at: http://laurentian.ca/educ/lradford/Relime_semiotics_06.pdf


Paper copies can be ordered by writing to Dra Rosa María Farfán, relime at clame.org.mx



Table of Contents



Introducción. Semiótica y Educación Matemática 

Luis Radford


Proof and Explanation from a Semiotical Point of View 

Michael Otte


Quelle sémiotique pour l'analyse de l'activité et des productions mathématiques?

Raymond Duval


Socioepistemología y representación: algunos ejemplos

Ricardo Cantoral, Rosa-María Farfán, Javier Lezama y Gustavo Martínez-Sierra


Elementos de una teoría cultural de la objetivación

Luis Radford

(English Translation: http://laurentian.ca/educ/lradford/Objectification3Eng.pdf)



Análisis ontosemiótico de una lección sobre la suma y la resta

Juan D. Godino , Vicenç Font y Miguel R. Wilhelmi


Semiotic Objectifications of the Compensation Strategy: En Route to the Reification of Integers

Andreas Koukkoufis y Julian Williams


Objetos, significados, representaciones semióticas y sentido 

Bruno D'Amore


Are registers of representations and problem solving processes on functions compartmentalized in students' thinking?

Athanasios Gagatsis, Iliada Elia y Nikos Mousoulides


Learning Mathematics: Increasing the Value of Initial Mathematical Wealth

Adalira Sáenz-Ludlow


Everyday and Mathematical Language 100 Years After the Publication of "On Denoting" by Bertrand Russell

Giorgio T. Bagni


Semiosis as a Multimodal Process 

Ferdinando Arzarello


Conclusiones y perspectivas de investigación futura 

Bruno D'Amore




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