[Maths-Education] More details about PME book - downloadable

Dave Hewitt d.p.hewitt at bham.ac.uk
Fri Apr 28 17:43:13 BST 2006

My apologies about the need for a password for the downloadable PME book. Go to the direct link below to Sense Publishers' web page with details of the book and click on download. There will be a form for you to complete and a username and password will be emailed to you. The webpage is:




Dr Dave Hewitt
Senior Lecturer in Mathematics Education
School of Education
University of Birmingham
B15 2TT

Email:d.p.hewitt at bham.ac.uk

-----Original Message-----
From: Dave Hewitt 
Sent: 27 April 2006 14:00
To: 'Mathematics Education discussion forum'
Subject: PME book - downloadable

Apologies for those who have already received this information....
Some of you may be interested in the following book which can be downloaded:
SensePublishers invite you to download a non-printable PDF of the following new books:

Handbook of Research on the Psychology of Mathematics Education(PME

Edited by Angel Gutiérrez and Paolo Boero

This handbook shall be of interest to both experienced researchers and doctoral students needing detailed synthesis of the advances and future directions of research in Mathematics Education, and also to mathematics teacher trainers who need to have a comprehensive reference as background for their courses on Mathematics Education. You can download the PDF at:

<http://www.sensepublishers.com/books/otherbooks <http://www.sensepublishers.com/books/otherbooks> 
Dr Dave Hewitt
Senior Lecturer in Mathematics Education School of Education University of Birmingham Edgbaston Birmingham
B15 2TT
Tel: +44 (0)121 414 4824
Fax: +44 (0)121 414 4865

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