[Maths-Education] Academic Freedom Statement

Dennis Fox dennisfox@EARTHLINK.NET
Sun, 04 Nov 2001 12:57:59 +0200

To: "Corinne Angier" <Corinne@candf.fsnet.co.uk>
    Maths Education Centre
    Sheffield Hallam University

> I wonder if anyone can help me.  I am trying to find examples on
> the web of national curricula from round the world so that my ITE 
> students can compare and contrast.  Any useful links would be much 
> appreciated. I have found a Canadian site and I would be very 
> grateful if somebody could tell me what age school students are if 
> they are in grade 9 in Ontario!  Thankyou.

I have been in Nova Scotia recently, and can say their their new 'outcomes-based' math curriculum will be on the web in about 5 months time. The plan is that all 4 Atlantic provinces will follow it, but already Prince Edward Island and Newfoundland want to go their own way - doesn't this all sound familiar!  There is obviously no national curriculum for the whole of Canada. Their schools finish with year 12, which seeems a year earlier than our 'upper-6th', but they are about 6 months older than our 'lower 6th' or Y-12. Quite a lot turn 18 in their final year, which they call year 12.

Douglas Butler
iCT Training Centre (Oundle School, Peterborough UK)