Susie Groves grovesac@deakin.edu.au
Tue, 15 May 2001 12:24:19 +1000

Does anyone know of a STUNNINGLY GOOD TEXTBOOK which covers as many as
possible of the following topics for use with first year university
students planning to become primary teachers?

o	The natural numbers, divisibility, factorisation and primes;
rational and irrational numbers;  cryptography and bar codes;
o	the nature of chance and expectation, random events, "fair" and
"unfair" games, the connection between probability and statistics (eg.
o	independent and related events;
o	the nature of a statistical investigation: posing the question,
collecting the data, summarising, analysing and presenting the data;
interpreting the results.
o	regular polygons; regular and homogeneous tessellations, symmetries
and transformations in the plane; reflections, rotations, translations and
glide reflections and their combinations; creating and identifying finite
and infinite patterns in the plane;
o	an analysis of some of the work of MC Escher; creating Escher-type
tessellations in the plane;
o	the Platonic solids and their duals; examples in art and nature;
construction of solids from nets;
o	linear, quadratic, exponential and logarithmic functions; and
o	graphs, directed graphs, spanning trees and networks.

Susie Groves
Associate Professor Susie Groves
Head, School of Scientific and Developmental Studies
Faculty of Education
Deakin University
221 Burwood Highway
Burwood 3125
+61 3 9244 6068 (phone)
+61 3 9244 6112 (fax)