[Maths-Education] International directory of Mathematics Educators.

Peter Gates peter.gates@nottingham.ac.uk
Sat, 23 Jun 2001 06:49:24 +0100


It has been a while since I last updated the International Directory of
Mathematics Educators, that can be found on the Nottingham web site. It
appears that a lot of people use this directory listing to make and keep
contact across the discipline so it would be useful making sure all
information was up to date.

I thought this time of year it would be useful to do another update of the
information on there. Could I ask you to check your own entry to that
directory - especially if you have moved in the past two years.

In addition, could you look through the names in your own country to see if
any other entries are incorrect, or if anyone who ought to be on the
directory listing is not there.

In addition if you know of other listings which I could link the directory
to via a hyper link then let me know.

The directory can be found at


It would help if you could give me any details in the following format as
it will help us to make the changes more efficiently.

lastname, firstname, email address,institutional address1; institutional
address2; etc; Tel: number; Fax: number; website.



Best wishes,

Dr. Peter Gates
Centre for the Study of Mathematics Education
School of Education
University of Nottingham
Jubilee Campus
Wollaton Road
Nottingham, NG8 1BB
Great Britain


Tel: +44 115 951 4432
Fax: +44 115 846 6600
Mobile: 0773 080 8353
