[Maths-Education] Forthcoming Seminar at Warwick University

Dave Pratt dave_pratt@fcis1.wie.warwick.ac.uk
Mon, 12 Feb 2001 10:19:16 -0000


Below are details of a seminar on 21st February at Warwick University that
may be of interest to you.

The seminar is on the top floor of the Science Education building, which is
a three storey building on the Westwood site, Coventry.

If you wish to find out more about the content of the seminar,please contact
Professor Celia Hoyles (choyles@ioe.ac.uk).

For more information regarding logistics,contact me.

Best wishes,



Mathematics Education Research Centre Seminar

What are the rules of a game?
Insights from a study of children programming videogames

Ross Adamson and Celia Hoyles

Institute of Education,
University of London

Wednesday, 21st February

Room WS204

Refreshments 4.30pm to start 5.00pm

We are working to build computational worlds where children can play, design
and program videogames. Videogames represent rule-based systems, which are
expressible in non-textual animated ways. We describe the different ways
children (aged 7 to 8 years) articulate simple rules they have programmed
themselves and how their diverse expressions can serve as windows on to the
meaning of rules and on to their understandings of these rules

We will not only present data from our study but also illustrate these
data by computer demonstrations and/or video extracts.