[Maths-Education] Learning Styles in Mathematics Education

Peter Gates peter.gates@nottingham.ac.uk
Tue, 04 Dec 2001 10:16:17 +0000


Thanks I got several back on this - and three had your name on!

I'll pass this on and make use of it. thanks again.


At 10:08 04/12/01 +0000, you wrote:
>We have just finished a major enquiry into the learning preferences of
higher education students (see Jarvis and Woodrow on
>Education-line for a summary, and a briefer one in BCME-5 proceedings).
The mathematics students at both undergraduate and PGCE
>levels were at one extreme of our scales.  We use learning preferences
since this term expresses some question about their
>permanence whilst still maintaining some resistance to change!  Cognitive
style (see Riding(UK))  is essentially seen as
>personality traits and the other major definition is learning styles  (see
Entwistle(UK), Biggs(Australia), Dunn(USA)) which are
>also seen as rather fixed - for a reasonable survey see 'Learning Styles
and strategies:  review of research' by Adey,
>Fairbroither and Wiliam at Kings College.  Rita Dunn and co of St Johns
University in New York have some work on mathematics
>using their particular well tested Learning Styles Inventory - you can get
to their website through the links on the European
>Learning Styles Information Network on www.elsinnet.org.uk.  You are right
that there is little on mathematics - indeed there is
>very little of any kind in UKeducation circles.
>Derek Woodrow

Dr Peter Gates
Director of Research Students
School of Education
The University of Nottingham
Wollaton Road
Great Britain

email: peter.gates@nottingham.ac.uk
web: http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/education/staff/pgates.htm

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