[Maths-Education] A I - E D 2001

Nicolas Balacheff Nicolas.Balacheff@imag.fr
Mon, 20 Nov 2000 10:14:00 +0200


                          A I - E D  2001


May 19-23, 2001
San Antonio, Texas

Co-sponsored by:
The International AI-ED Society
St. Mary's University, San Antonio, Texas


The 10th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in
Education (AI-ED 2001) is part of an ongoing series of biennial
international conferences designed to report top quality research in
cognitive science and intelligent systems for educational computing
applications.  It provides opportunities for the cross-fertilization
of information and ideas from researchers in the many fields that make
up this interdisciplinary research area, including: computer science,
psychology, linguistics, sociology, and philosophy.

The theme for 2001 is: "Advanced Models of Learning for the Wired and
Wireless Future".  Papers that enhance our understanding of the
learning process, providing insight into the design of intelligent
educational technologies that harness advanced telecommunications,
mobile computing, distributed systems or agent technology will be
particularly welcome.

You are invited to submit proposals for research papers, theme papers,
posters, demonstrations, tutorials, workshops, and panels. All
proposals will be peer reviewed in the usual fashion to select those
for inclusion in the technical program.


The technical program focuses on research activities linking theory and
technology from artificial intelligence, cognitive science, and computer
science with educational theory and practice. Areas of interest include
but are not limited to:

Affect and emotion in learning environments
Agent-oriented engineering of learning environments
Animated or personified pedagogical agents
Authoring systems and tutoring shells
Case-based systems
Cognitive development
Cognitive diagnosis
Collaboration and collaborative tools
Computer-assisted language learning
Conceptual change
Dialog for instructional systems
Educational games and edutainment
Educational robotics
Epistomology for learning environments
Evaluation of instructional systems
Human factors and interface design
Intelligent multimedia and hypermedia systems
Intelligent tutoring systems
Knowledge and skill acquisition
Knowledge representation for instruction
Learning environments and microworlds
Model-based reasoning
Modeling pedagogical interactions
Narrative intelligence in learning environments
Natural language interfaces
Networked learning and teaching systems
Non-standard and innovative interfaces
Principles and tools for instructional design
Professional development for teachers
Social and cultural aspects of learning
Student modeling
Higher-order thinking skills and metacognition
Theories of teaching
Virtual environments for learning
Visual and graphical interfaces


+ In addition to RESEARCH papers and posters in the above areas, SURVEY
papers will also be accepted. A survey paper will offer a coherent and
critical summary of achievements and outstanding problems in an area.

+ To attract young researchers, there will be a Young Researcher's
track, focussed on work in progress being carried out by graduate
students and other young researchers.  Submissions will receive
constructive review and feedback.

+ Proposals for Posters and Demonstrations are encouraged.  Poster and
demonstration presenters will have an opportunity to describe and show
their work and interact with conference attendees.

+ Proposals are invited for Tutorials and Workshops to enhance the
skills and broaden the perspective of the attendees and forge new
collaborative relationships among them. Workshops should provide
participants the opportunity to meet and discuss selected technical
topics in an informal atmosphere which encourages the active exchange
of ideas and experiences among researchers and practitioners.

+ Proposals for Panels on relevant topics and issues are welcome.

+ Exhibits are expected to be an integral part of the AI-ED 2001
conference. Companies or institutions offering to exhibit AI-ED
products are invited.

   AI-ED 2001      DEADLINES

Submissions due:          December 4, 2000
Authors notified:         February 5,  2001
Camera Ready Copy due:    March 9, 2001


Conference Chair:   W.  Lewis Johnson, USC/Information Sciences
                     Institute, California, USA
Program Chair: Johanna D. Moore, Human Communication Research Centre,
                     University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
Organization Chair:  Carol Redfield, St. Mary's University, USA
Tutorials & Workshops Chair: Dan Suthers, University of Hawai'i at
Manoa, USA
Young Researchers Track Chair: Esma Aimeur, Universite de Montreal,
Quebec, Canada
Demonstration Chair:  Tom Murray, Hampshire College, USA
Publicity Chair: Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Web Site: Valerie Shute, Knowledge Planet, USA

Program Committee Members

Sharon Ainsworth, University of Nottingham, UK
Vincent Aleven, Carnegie Mellon Univeristy, USA
Paul Brna, University of Leeds, UK
Cristina Conati, University of British Columbia, Canada
Richard Cox, University of Sussex, UK
Sharon Derry, University of Wisconsin, USA
Arthur Graesser, University of Memphis, USA
W. Lewis Johnson, USC/Information Sciences Institute, USA
Susanne Lajoie, McGill University, Canada
Chee Kit Looi, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Kristine Lund, Universit=E9 de Lyon 2, France
Gordon McCalla, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Jean McKendree, University of Edinburgh, UK
Riichiro Mizoguchi, Osaka University, Japan
Tom Murray, University of Massachusetts, USA
Helen Pain, University of Edinburgh, UK
Rolf Ploetzner, University of Freiburg, Germany
Valerie Shute, Knowledge Planet, USA
Daniel D. Suthers, University of Hawai'i, USA


All submissions should describe original and unpublished
work. Research papers should describe results of system development
and/or empirical or theoretical analysis. A small number of Survey
papers and Theme papers will be accepted that synthesize and examine
broad issues in the field.  All accepted papers will be included in
the AI-ED 2001 published proceedings and will be candidates for Best
Paper Awards.  Authors of award papers will be invited to submit their
paper for publication in the International Journal of Artificial
Intelligence in Education (IJAIED)
(http://www.cbl.leeds.ac.uk/ijaied/home), the official journal of the
International AI-ED Society.

Submission format: Submissions should be no longer than 8 pages,
including all tables, figures, and references but excluding the cover
page. Fonts should be at no smaller than 10 point (12 point pica for
typewriters). Margins should be at least 1 inch all around.

The cover page should include:
- the title of the paper with an abstract of no more than 500 words;
- keywords giving a clear indication of topic and subtopic;
- author names with affiliations, addresses, and phone numbers;
- the E-mail address of the principal author.

Financial support: For people from countries with little or no financial
support for travel, and for Ph.D. students, some amount of financial
support will be available.  Contact the Organization Chair for details.


Authors are encouraged to submit reports on work in progress to the
poster sessions, which provide an informal forum for introducing work in
its early stages.  Poster sessions enable researchers to discuss their
latest results in order to gain feedback and to establish contact with
similar projects. Poster sessions do not involve a formal presentation
but papers are included in the proceedings as short papers.

Submissions: Poster proposals should include an approximately 3-page
written description of the planned poster and should emphasize the
problem; what was done; and why the work is important. The cover page
should include the title of the poster with presenter names,
affiliations, complete addresses, phone numbers, and E-mail address of
the principal presenter. Five copies of the manuscript are also


The AI-ED Program Committee invites proposals for Tutorials and
Workshops to enhance the skills and broaden the perspective of the
attendees and forge new collaborative relationship among them.
Tutorials/Workshops are a half day or a full day in length. Attendees
will be required to register to the main AI-ED conference.

Tutorials should be designed to introduce a new framework for supporting
human learning or to enable participants to use advanced information
technologies for education such as AI, collaborative technologies,
multimedia, hypermedia, networks, virtual reality or multi-lingual
language processing. Tutorials should take a broad perspective on the
topic, and should not be a sales pitch for a single body of work.
Proposals should explicitly identify what participants will be able to
do or know as a result of the tutorial, and describe any supporting
materials to be provided to participants.

Workshops should provide participants the opportunity to meet and
discuss selected technical topics in an informal atmosphere which
encourages the active exchange of ideas and experiences among
researchers and practitioners. Preference will be given to proposals for
activities that can only be undertaken in a workshop format: workshops
consisting solely of paper presentations are discouraged. For example,
workshops might focus on in-depth analyses of sample data or exemplary
designs, present alternate views on a particular issue that is of
concern to AI&ED researchers and practitioners and attempt to resolve
the issue, or identify priorities for new directions of research and
initiate the appropriate collaborations. Ample time must also be
allotted for general discussion. Proposals that include activities
beyond the workshop itself are encouraged.

Proposals should contain:
  (1) A cover page including
     (a) Session title
     (b) Name, affiliation, address, e-mail address for each member
         of the organizing committee
     (c) Identification of the primary contact person
     (d) The proposed length; a half day or a full day
(2) A one page description of the objectives to be addressed.
(3) The intended audience (experience level and prerequisites;
     include list of names of potential attendees if you have a
     particular community in mind) and a description of review
     and selection process for participation.
(4) Format of the session, and how this format will address
     the objectives. This may include preliminary and/or
     follow-up activities planned, materials to be provided to
     participants, etc. as applicable.
(5) A call for participation, written as it would be publicly
(6) A description of the proposer/instructors' qualifications
     related to the topics

Proposers are encouraged to contact the tutorial and workshop chair in
advance to discuss their ideas (email preferred).

Tutorials and Workshops Chair:

Daniel D. Suthers
Information and Computer Sciences
University of Hawai'i at Manoa,
Honolulu, HI 96822

Email:  suthers@hawaii.edu
Voice: (808) 956-3890
Fax: (808) 956-3548


In conjunction with AIED 2001 a special "Short Papers" track is being
organized for "Young Researchers" (Ph.D. students who have not received
their Ph.D. by the date of the conference).

Our goals are to attract as many young researchers as possible to be
active participants in the conference, and to link young researchers
with their senior colleagues.  In particular we want to encourage
presentations of work-in-progress.  For those who are interested we will
provide an e-mail link to a senior researcher in order to assist in the
preparation of the short paper/presentation.

Those interested in participating in this program should prepare a short
abstract (less than two pages).  These abstracts will be refereed and
published in the conference proceedings.

Separate sessions will be scheduled for these presentations. Each
presenter will be allowed 15 minutes; 10 minutes for the presentation
and 5 minutes for discussion. All presentations must be in English.

A reduced registration fee is offered to participants in these sessions
upon request and with appropriate credentials.


Short paper submission:   4 December 2000
Notification by:         26 January  2001
Final paper due:          1 March, 2001

For additional information and to submit a short paper to this session
please contact:

Chair:  Esma Aimeur, University of Montreal, Canada


The web site for AI-ED 2001 is:

For Scientific program and PC matters,
Johanna D. Moore <Johanna.Moore@ed.ac.uk>

For Workshops and Tutorials,
Daniel Suthers <suthers@hawaii.edu>

For Demonstrations,
Tom Murray  <tmurray@cs.umass.edu>

For organisational matters,
Carol Redfield  <credfield@STMARYTX.EDU>

For other issues,
W. Lewis Johnson <johnson@isi.edu>