[Xerte] Re: Stopping flash video, Loaded[Type Function]

Julian Tenney Julian.Tenney at nottingham.ac.uk
Tue May 21 09:26:38 BST 2013


delete _level0.engine[ytID];


...but the newer templates don't use the old swf based player: they use a div in the web page with the embed code directly. Sounds as though you have old code.

From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk [mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of KnowledgeWare
Sent: 21 May 2013 01:45
To: 'Xerte discussion list'
Subject: [Xerte] Stopping flash video, Loaded[Type Function]

Using Desktop xerte 2.17 - I have an external swf file that contains next/previous buttons and navigation code. After adding youtube video from the page templates the youtubes continue to play after I click the next button, I'm trying to find the proper command to stop or unload them. I've tried all this in the external swf file to try to silence the movie:

NextButton.onRelease = function()
                //RGM 20130519 Stop video on next

None of these work...('ic' is the Id of the video icon). What command should I be using here? Is there a way to 'unload' the movie rather than just stopping the sound?

Also getting a debug window with 'Loaded[Type Function]' showing on each youtube. I have added the embed code via the template, however I also edited the page text in the xml file later. What is the 'Loaded' message saying?

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