[Xerte] Re: Access to last page visited

Smith, John J.J.Smith at gcu.ac.uk
Thu Aug 8 12:21:35 BST 2013

Hi Susana

Unfortunately, this functionality is not currently available however it has been requested previously and one of our developers is already looking at the best way of adding this.

We'll be in touch soon, once we know more.


John Smith
Learning Technologist
School of Health and Life Sciences

Sent from Samsung Galaxy SII

Susana Afonso Fernández <safonso at ibecon.org> wrote:

Dear Friends,
We have been testing the tool, and we found very interesting, and with much potential for what we were looking for.
Just find a problem, it's probably due to the configuration, but do not know how to resolve it.
We insert the SCORM in Moodle, and when you only have one attempt on the SCORM, but a student accessed repeatedly tracking keeps huh? Access is not the last page visited within LO? Always access the first page to access again.
Thank you very much for your help,
Regards and sorry for my English

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