[Xerte] The first Norwegian Projects......on discovering Xerte

Inge Donkervoort i.donkervoort at tor.nl
Fri Oct 7 08:59:47 BST 2011


Bjorn Teistung and the other teachers from the Globalskolen in Norway 
are discovering Xerte and so far they like it very much! The 
Globalskolen is an organisation for distance education for children from 
expats. He send me some examples made by their teachers. Just for your 

For those who don't speak Norwegian ;) here a short explanation:

    /These objects are used in the fifth grade -- students are 9 -- 10
    Just to give you some key-words:

    Istid = is a presentation of the ice age -- the first in a row of three.
    Kart og karttegn= maps  and map illustrations -- part one.
    kjaerlaikpaapinne = part of a novel called "Kjærleik på pinne"./

Inge Donkervoort

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