[Xerte] Re: Customizing XOT Projects

Julian Tenney Julian.Tenney at nottingham.ac.uk
Tue Nov 29 15:06:33 GMT 2011

defaultColour is the default text colour.
labelColour is the colour for text in checkbox labels, radio button labels and labels themselves
inputColour: the colour of text in text entry boxes
pageTitleColor: deprecated (no reference to it in XMLEngine)
stageColour: yes, turn visuals off;

From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk [mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Kemp Johnathan
Sent: 29 November 2011 14:57
To: Jose Diaz; Xerte discussion list
Subject: [Xerte] Re: Customizing XOT Projects

I have been following this thread with great interest as I have long been curious as to how you could customise the Xerte interface. So many thanks to Tom and Jose and anyone else who I might have missed who has contributed to this.

I have almost completed translating into English Jose's excellent tutorial. I notice that there is a slight discrepancy in that the example changes about 8 optional properties of the project but only one is mentioned in the tutorial, so the results achieved by following the tutorial would not match the displayed image.

I have been testing the available colour properties to establish what might have been changed and am finding a few properties that don't appear to be doing much. I wanted to add a description of the optional colour properties and their effects to the english translation.

Can anyone with more experience of moding the xerte interface comment on the following observations and perhaps correct any errors or oversights on my part.


The following colour properties are available and were tested in Xerte preview.

titleBarColour: Changes the title bar at the top of the page.

StatusBarColour: Changes the bar below the title bar and the bar at the bottom of the screen.

FillColour: changes page background and colour behind volume control

defaultColour: not sure (changed the arrows on the table of contents)

buttonFillColour: changes the background to all the buttons on the interface.

ButtonTextColour: changes the border on the top buttons and their text in the status bar

glossaryColour: no observed effect but project did not have a glossary.

LabelColour: no observed effect

inputColour: no observed effect

pageTitleColour : no observed effect

statusColour: Changes the continue arrows and continue label at bottom right of screen.

TitleColour: Changes colour of project and page title and table of contents title.

StageColour: No visible effect (may be significant if visuals are turned off?)
Once completed the translation will be available in open office and pdf format. I will look to posting it to the wiki at some point.

Thanks in advance for your help.


On 27 November 2011 17:21, Jose Diaz <xt4mhz at yahoo.com<mailto:xt4mhz at yahoo.com>> wrote:
Hi everyone ... promise is a promise :-)

Here goes the the address where I published the small tutorial about how to customize the "look" of XOT:


Thanks to all of you for the help.

Take care.

José Gregorio.

Lic. José Gregorio Díaz Unda.
Asesor de Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación.
Tel.: 58.0412.5518085
Skype: xt4mhz
Web: www.usb.ve<http://www.usb.ve> - jgdu.blogspot.com<http://jgdu.blogspot.com>

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