[Xerte] Re: MySQL dbase diagram

Fred Riley Fred.Riley at nottingham.ac.uk
Mon Jun 27 10:27:34 BST 2011

> There's a download from code.google which creates a diagram from a sql
> export http://code.google.com/p/database-diagram/ doesn't draw any
> relationship lines but they could be added in an image editor and might
> compliment Pat's list. See attached screenshot saved as a jpg.

That's a useful tip, thanks. IMO the best documentation tool is the free MySQL Workbench from MySQL itself:


This is very much more than just a documentation tool, but in the context of the OP's Q it's relevant as you connect to your DB with it and it generates a graphical relationship view. An unsung but astonishingly useful developers tool. 


This email represents my own personal views and is not at all reflective of policy or opinions at my institution. So there. 

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