[Xerte] Xerte Friday online session tomorrow

Alistair McNaught Alistair.McNaught at HEAcademy.ac.uk
Thu Sep 23 09:11:22 BST 2010

Dear Xerte people

This is a reminder that Friday 24th Sept (ie this Friday) is the last
Friday of the month. That means it's the XerteFriday where we look at
Xerte and the clever things people can do with Xerte OnlineToolkits in a
teaching and learning context.

This month's topic is 'Xerte in Practice' and will look at ways of using
Xerte with a range of learners in a range of subject areas. As always
this online training session is free, lasts around 45 minutes and (if I
remember to press the right button!) will be recorded.

To join us simply go to www.instantpresenter.com/techdisonline104.
Starts 1pm at UK local time (GMT +1). It's easy to take part but if
you're new to this sort of thing you'll find detailed joining
instructions at www.techdis.ac.uk/getxertefriday. Log in a few mins
beforehand if possible.

We'd like this to be an interactive session so if you have a Xerte
Online Toolkit creation online somewhere we'd be delighted if you would
be prepared to share us the url in the session and say a little about
the context you're using it in. If you have a headset with a microphone
you could talk about the object, otherwise we can use the online chat
facility to communicate.  Don't worry if you have not got a Xerte object
to share, come along and enjoy seeing what other people have created.

All the best


Alistair McNaught

Senior Advisor

JISC TechDis

C/O The Higher Education Academy Building

Innovation Way

York Science Park


YO10 5BR


Skype: alistair_techdis


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