[Xerte] Xerte 2.x, SCORM Proper way to get the learning object

Julian Tenney Julian.Tenney at nottingham.ac.uk
Wed Nov 24 13:29:52 GMT 2010

The finish is handled by the web page when you navigate away: you might need to call some javascript functions from the RLO to handle it.


-----Original Message-----
From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk [mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Tom Reijnders
Sent: 24 November 2010 13:28
To: xerte at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
Subject: [Xerte] Xerte 2.x, SCORM Proper way to get the learning object


I've got some problems getting the learning object to finish properly.

- I used a simple quiz (Page Templates, only one page inserted, the quiz 
- In stead of the 'Restart'' Button, I want a button to finish the quiz, 
and do a Scorm. terminate...

I cannot figure out how to do that.

I tried mkaing the Restart button Exit, but that doesn't do what I want.

The problem I have, is that when the 'Restart' button is showing I get 
the following behaviour in different SCORM LMS's

- Moodle 1.9 seems to work fine (when I press Moodles 'Stop' button), 
but the status is NOT correct (Not completed, time not recorded correctly)
- Moodle 2.0 does not record anything
- ADL RTE does not record anythinga and even complains the Initialise is 
not done before writing to the database (This is not so according to the 
log of the RTE itself!)
- www.scorm.com's coud test engine logs all that I am actually writing 
to the LMS, but also records the attempt as NOT finished


Tom Reijnders
TOR Informatica
Chopinlaan 27
5242HM Rosmalen
Tel: 073 5226191
Fax: 073 5226196

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