[Xerte] Xerte 3 wish list
Paul Swanson
Paul.Swanson at harlandfs.com
Thu May 27 16:54:02 BST 2010
In regards to the email prefixes: can we keep 'xerte' in there
someplace? I use email filters to move messages to specific folders
based on text in the subject line. I'm not really worried about
[Toolkits], but [ANN:] could end up matching messages from the AWARE
list. [Xerte ANN:] would allow me to move messages to the proper folder.
From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Julian Tenney
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 7:54 AM
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Xerte 3 wish list
To answer both your mails:
- The properties window disappears if you resize the window,
because it doesn't keep track of the resizing. I'll fix that at some
- Right click options will be possible, but I've not done any
- Recent project - yes, that will mean writing out to a file
somewhere to remember them
- Maybe we should have prefixes on the list posts
[Xerte 3]
[ANN: ...] for announcements. I'll start doing that and you can follow
the lead.
- Properties window. You can resize the window to find it - it
won't have disappeared, but it's not ideal There is work remaining on
the interface, so I'll add it to my list.
- Auto-preview. Since I never write code that crashes, I'd
never considered that ;-) Maybe it should wait for you to preview it...
- I have a dilemma about the spark classes. Everything is mx:
at the minute. I would like to use spark where there are spark
components, but when I've tried, I've run into a few things that aren't
ideal. I can't remember what now, but one recent memory was to do with
how to make a good job in the editor of using the spark border
components. Part of me says 'well, the mx: components are a LOT more
powerful than the existing Xerte icons, so we're much better off, but
another part of me say 'let's try and get with the latest stuff'. It
also means going through the MetaData.as and making sure that all the
relevant properties, methods, styles and events reflect the underlying
components - and in fact this needs doing anyway - as there are some
errant / not relevant ones in there right now - I created MetaData.as by
manually typing them all in from the help, so that's not trivial...
Basically I just need some time to try it with the spark classes and see
what happens. Also, there are not spark classes for every mx class, so
you end up with a mixture, and I'm not sure that's so great...
- I think the rotate was done using animateProperty - I
probably just worked quickly and followed up on code that used blur, so
it's just misnamed.
- The template stuff has much to do...
- No it doesn't save automatically - I can add in all those
things later,
I think you cans see how much power is in there now...
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