[Xerte] Page Wizards on Xerte 3?

Julian Tenney Julian.Tenney at nottingham.ac.uk
Mon May 10 10:04:08 BST 2010

Yeah, the underlying file format won't change and the runtime will only
be extended, rather than changed, so any files created now will work.


I'd like to integrate it into toolkits, so you can build and edit .rlos
in toolkits using the Xerte 3 interface and runtime. We just need some


From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Patrick
Sent: 10 May 2010 09:33
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Page Wizards on Xerte 3?


Toolkits is modular, so it could do Xerte 3 and Xerte 2.5 and anything
else (within reason)


From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Peter
Sent: 10 May 2010 09:33
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: Re: [Xerte] Page Wizards on Xerte 3?


Speaking of Xerte3: I'm about to start a new e-learning project in the
next few weeks. It should serve as a kind of best practice example for
further developments and I'm very keen of using Xerte3. If I start to
create content in Xerte3 now, will it be compatible with the final
version of Xerte3? Are there already plans how to use Toolkits with

Looking forward for some future information about Xerte3 and thanks for
the great work so far!





On 10.05.2010, at 04:06, Gevin Leow Eng Hwa (UniSIM) wrote:


1st let me thank you Julian & your team. Yes, Xerte 3 is a much greater
tool indeed. I've installed & tried out/exploring the beta version now.
Like what you said, I do find Xerte 3 is a whole new changing game tool,
I think me, like other no-tech learning object developer need some time
to get fimiliar with the project creation flow. Hope to see a good user
guide & more tutorial available in future, :).



Warm regards,



From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Julian Tenney
Sent: Friday, May 07, 2010 10:21 PM
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Page Wizards on Xerte 3?


They won't be backwards compatible, but there will be wizards, yes. It's
kinda there but needs some more wok on it.


Xerte 3 changes the game a bit because in Xerte 2 it's useful to have a
wizard to create, say, an accordion, because the underlying code is


In Xerte 3 you get Accordion icons - no need for a wizard.


Give it a try.



From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk on behalf of
johnathan.kemp at ntlworld.com
Sent: Fri 07/05/2010 11:33
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: Re: [Xerte] Page Wizards on Xerte 3?

Hello Gevin,

I'll let Julian describe Xerte 3 as I am just coming to grips with it.
However Xerte 3 is based on the latest flex technology and as such is
not backwardly compatible with Xerte 2. As a result Xerte 2 projects
will not run in Xerte 3 and therefor Xerte 2 page wizards will not work
in Xerte 3.

I am not part of the Xerte Team and have no influence on the Xerte 3
project. I have asked the question myself as to whether Xerte 3 will
support the use of page wizards. It is early days for Xerte 3. As far as
I am aware Xerte 3 is at the stage of just offering icon level page
building capability. As yet there is no equivalent of the Page Templates
project wide template.

It will be interesting to see whether the availability of page wizards
in Xerte 2 will influence any decision to implement page wizards for
Xerte 3, as I understand the priority for Xerte 2 was to provide the
project wide templates in preference to individual page templates (i.e.
page wizards). I think this was because the targetted user base was
non-technical knowledge experts. Page wizards open up Xerte to a
different type of user. Someone who wants the ease of pre-defined pages
but also to be able to develop their technical skills so that they can
take their learning objects beyond what is available of the shelf.

I am now retired, but I will be staying active in the xerte community.
When other commitments allow I am looking at Xerte 3. I am also keen to
see page wizards available in that environment.

It is worth remembering that there is a community of Xerte users. The
Xerte team supported the development of page wizards and modified Xerte
to facilitate their use, but page wizards were not developed as a core
part of the Xerte project. I am sure that if interest and effort were
available from the Xerte community to make page wizards a reality in
Xerte 3 then the support and assistance would be there from the Xerte

Kind regards


---- "Gevin Leow Eng Hwa (UniSIM)" <gevinleoweh at unisim.edu.sg> wrote:
> Dear Johnathan,
> Great job on the Page Wizards you create for Xerte 2.x! They are my
no.1 tool I use everyday, so I can have some time for a coffee or 2.
> Just wonder if we can use the current version Page Wizards in the
upcoming Xerte 3? or we need to "tweak & hack" to use them? :)
> Warm regards,
> Gevin

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Peter Huppertz

E-learning and IT Specialist

International Centre for Asset Recovery

Basel Institute on Governance

Phone: +41 61 205 55 18

Fax: +41 61 267 55 19


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