[Xerte] Page Wizards on Xerte 3?

johnathan.kemp at ntlworld.com johnathan.kemp at ntlworld.com
Fri May 7 11:33:57 BST 2010

Hello Gevin,

I'll let Julian describe Xerte 3 as I am just coming to grips with it. However Xerte 3 is based on the latest flex technology and as such is not backwardly compatible with Xerte 2. As a result Xerte 2 projects will not run in Xerte 3 and therefor Xerte 2 page wizards will not work in Xerte 3.

I am not part of the Xerte Team and have no influence on the Xerte 3 project. I have asked the question myself as to whether Xerte 3 will support the use of page wizards. It is early days for Xerte 3. As far as I am aware Xerte 3 is at the stage of just offering icon level page building capability. As yet there is no equivalent of the Page Templates project wide template.

It will be interesting to see whether the availability of page wizards in Xerte 2 will influence any decision to implement page wizards for Xerte 3, as I understand the priority for Xerte 2 was to provide the project wide templates in preference to individual page templates (i.e. page wizards). I think this was because the targetted user base was non-technical knowledge experts. Page wizards open up Xerte to a different type of user. Someone who wants the ease of pre-defined pages but also to be able to develop their technical skills so that they can take their learning objects beyond what is available of the shelf. 

I am now retired, but I will be staying active in the xerte community. When other commitments allow I am looking at Xerte 3. I am also keen to see page wizards available in that environment.

It is worth remembering that there is a community of Xerte users. The Xerte team supported the development of page wizards and modified Xerte to facilitate their use, but page wizards were not developed as a core part of the Xerte project. I am sure that if interest and effort were available from the Xerte community to make page wizards a reality in Xerte 3 then the support and assistance would be there from the Xerte team.

Kind regards


---- "Gevin Leow Eng Hwa (UniSIM)" <gevinleoweh at unisim.edu.sg> wrote: 
> Dear Johnathan,
> Great job on the Page Wizards you create for Xerte 2.x! They are my no.1 tool I use everyday, so I can have some time for a coffee or 2.
> Just wonder if we can use the current version Page Wizards in the upcoming Xerte 3? or we need to "tweak & hack" to use them? :)
> Warm regards,
> Gevin

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