[Xerte] Xerte3: getting the name of an icon

Peter Huppertz peter.huppertz at baselgovernance.org
Tue Jun 15 10:00:42 BST 2010

Is it possible to get the name of an icon using actionscript? If I try debug(myicon.name) it displays an internal name like "TextAreaIcon196" but not the given name I see in the tree. 
I need this to check if a TextArea is filled with the correct answer and just wanted to compare name == value, to make it easy. Don't want to use IconID for this, cause I can't guarantee that the name is unique in my piece. Also alternative ways are welcome!


Peter Huppertz
E-learning and IT Specialist
International Centre for Asset Recovery
Basel Institute on Governance
Phone: +41 61 205 55 18
Fax: +41 61 267 55 19

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