[Xerte] xerte 2 desktop - checkbox & radio button question

Mary Ann Ahearn maryann at moberg.com
Tue Jul 20 15:39:12 BST 2010

We'd be happy to release our updated wizards to anyone who can use them.
All of what we've done involves changes to the rlm files, along with new
panel swf files.  Most recently I made my first change to an xwd file in
order to change the wizard itself and that opens up a whole new world of
possible changes.

Our 25 adapted page wizards differ from Jonathan's in the following ways:

1 - We have moved all content down to begin at y=80 in order to accommodate
our custom UI in the top 80 pixels.

2 - Our wizards place all assets within a 770 x 468 rectangle to fit into
the learning management system we're developing for our internal use with a
10 pixel border.

3 - In order to maximize screen space for content we are using 10 pixel
margins everywhere instead of 20.

4 - We've made a slightly altered panel that has a faint line along the top
so that it shows up better on our white background, along with some tinted
panels, and a blue version of the button.swf for the same purpose.

5 - For the wizard that places a flash swf and text on the page, we've
changed the panel yet again to be just a flat colored rectangle that creates
a 2 pixel border around the swf (which often have a white background in our
case), extending to include the playback controls if they are enabled.  We
allow the user to chose which color panel to use in the wizard.

6 - We have made all buttons and tabs 40 or 50 pixels tall except for the
checkbox and radio buttons that are currently in the works.

7 - Still to do is a set of touch screen friendly playback controls for swf
animations.  These will be single play/pause and stop.

8 - We've created "Seymour" - a model that can be imported onto any page
that places a "See more" button on the stage that shows/hides text on a
panel.  The user must size & position the button, text & panel.


On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 3:48 AM, Kemp Johnathan <johnathan.kemp at ntlworld.com
> wrote:

> Hello Mary Ann,
> It's great to hear of someone who is enhancing the page wizards.
> Do you intend to release your modifications to the Xerte community?
> Have they necessitated much change to the .rml files or have you been able
> to achieve your changes by replacing .swf files that end up in the "common"
> folder?
> Kind regards
> Johnathan
> On 19 July 2010 23:09, Mary Ann Ahearn <maryann at moberg.com> wrote:
>> Hi all
>> We're adapting the xerte page wizards to make content for use on a touch
>> screen, so buttons need to be roughly 50 x 50 pixels.
>> I've managed to adapt most everything I need except the check box and
>> radio buttons that are part of the quiz and multiple choice wizards.  I
>> looked in the source and found the following two lines, but can't find any
>> external swf files with these names.  Are they flex component buttons?
>>     box = this.attachMovie("FCheckBoxSymbol", "box"+this.levels,
>> this.levels);
>>     rad = this.attachMovie("FRadioButtonSymbol", "rad"+this.levels,
>> this.levels);
>> Are there external files I can change to make the buttons larger?
>> Something that doesn't require messing with the source code?
>> Is there another obvious solution I'm missing?
>> Thanks so much!
>> Mary Ann
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