[Xerte] Adding from other applications

Johnathan Kemp johnathan.kemp at cxstaffs.co.uk
Thu Jan 28 15:32:29 GMT 2010

>Some means of specifying in the xwd file a menu structure for the page
wizards so that they can be grouped, with support in Xerte to utilise
this. At present they display as one long list. How about if they were
stored in various folders in the wizards folder? The xerte menu would
have a top level section for each folder, then the contents of each
folder displayed? That would also work quite well with inno if you use
that to distribute them, and could just install a whole folder full of


A folder structure makes sense - I will have to take a look at inno as I
have never come across it before.


>A means of specifying a thumbnail image in the xwd file, to be included
in the xcp file, with support in Xerte to utilise this. 
Doesn't this work?

The xwd file for template.rlt has individual page definitions with a
"menu", "menuItem", "icon", "thumb" and "hint" properties.

I don't know which of these properties you would want to carry over into
your implementation of xcp file handling. 

Certainly the hint and thumb properties could be used to define a brief
description and a thumbnail image, though an ordinary xerte project does
not have a thumbs folder. With project templates the images and hints
for pages are displayed once you have created a project based on that
template. So the information about thumbnails and hints is not processed
until you have selected your project template. This is fine for project
templates. With page wizards you really want to be able to see the
thumbnail and hint text before you confirm your selection of a page
wizard as the information is intended to aid in the selection. But Xerte
currently does not consume the xwd file until the page template has been
selected and installed as part of the current xerte project. I am not
sure how then any data held in the xcp files xwd file could be consumed
and presented to the user BEFORE a new page has been created in the


>A means of handling duplicated swf files so that the swf files required
by a page wizard could be included in the xcp file (at present it is
necessary to create a "common" folder manually and copy all the files
from a pageTemplates project into it.) 
I think I handled this at some poiint, I'll check

Is it possible to identify all the files used in the common folder that
a particular xcp file would depend on by simply searching the rlm file
for .swf? Once Xerte is ready to handle swf files as part of the xcp
file then I can incorporate them in the xcp, if I can identify them.


Kind regards



Johnathan Kemp
ICT Development Coordinator
Connexions Staffordshire
www.cxstaffs.co.uk <http://www.cxstaffs.co.uk/> 
01785 355714




From: Julian Tenney [mailto:Julian.Tenney at nottingham.ac.uk] 
Sent: 28 January 2010 10:38
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Adding from other applications

>Some means of specifying in the xwd file a menu structure for the page
wizards so that they can be grouped, with support in Xerte to utilise
this. At present they display as one long list. How about if they were
stored in various folders in the wizards folder? The xerte menu would
have a top level section for each folder, then the contents of each
folder displayed? That would also work quite well with inno if you use
that to distribute them, and could just install a whole folder full of

>A means of specifying a thumbnail image in the xwd file, to be included
in the xcp file, with support in Xerte to utilise this. 
Doesn't this work?

>A means of handling duplicated swf files so that the swf files required
by a page wizard could be included in the xcp file (at present it is
necessary to create a "common" folder manually and copy all the files
from a pageTemplates project into it.) 
I think I handled this at some poiint, I'll check

>The issue of referencing using
pageIcon.templateData.learningObject[0].wizardName[0] This is currently
necessary, as I can find no other way of getting the rlm file to
correctly access the data in the xml file. However Julian suggested it
might not be the best way of doing things. 
Hmm. Not sure what I was thinking there, as that's how I do it.

>A means of changing the displayed icon properties to those of the page
wizard, rather than the Interface icon, once a page wizard based page
has been added, e.g. after sequence of add new wizard based page / open
wizard / edit then close wizard. 



From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Johnathan
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 10:13 AM
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Adding from other applications


The list of issues is at the bottom of the wiki page for page wizards




Kind regards




Johnathan Kemp
ICT Development Coordinator
Connexions Staffordshire
www.cxstaffs.co.uk <http://www.cxstaffs.co.uk/> 
01785 355714





From: Julian Tenney [mailto:Julian.Tenney at nottingham.ac.uk] 
Sent: 28 January 2010 09:43
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Adding from other applications

The media interactions stuff is for Xerte 2.x / Toolkits.


In some ways I'd prefer for xcps to be distributed by their developers -
they just need adding to the wizards folder, and inno setup can make a
setup utility that will push them into the right folder on a Xerte
user's machine automatically.


There were some things we were going to do to Xerte to make it better
support them - do you still have a list?




From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Johnathan
Sent: Thursday, January 28, 2010 9:29 AM
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Adding from other applications


A few of the page wizards may be worth looking at as sources for
modifications to, or additional, Page Templates.xtp pages.


I am just in the process of completing an inventory page wizard (xcp


This is a reworking of the quiz and chart page wizards that offers the
following features.

*         multiple choice questions

*         single or more than one answer - like the quiz page template

*         you can define up to 10 classes, e.g. Visual, Auditory,

*         answers are not correct or incorrect, but are assigned to an
appropriate class 

*         answers can have a score from 0 to 5 - (allowing the asking of
questions answered by strongly agree to strongly disagree with points

*         scoring totals up the scores for each class and can be
presented in three different ways a) absolute i.e. the sum of the scores
for each class; individual percent i.e. the percentage score for each
class based on the maximum possible score for that class; relative
percent i.e. the individual percent scores adjusted so that they total
100% when all added together.

*         The results can then be displayed as a bar chart, pie chart or
line graph (the latter is probably the least appropriate)

You might also want to look at the page wizard jk Hot Spot Image Sound
which is based on the hot spot page template but adds the capability to
add sound files to each hot spot and to select whether hot spot text
should be displayed (great for interactive mind maps). This wizard could
be even better if it had a user option to select between text or audio
for each hotspot, but I have not had time to program this in.


The page wizard jk Flash Paper Text adds the option of including a text
description to be displayed beside the flash paper window.


The changes needed to convert a page wizard (.xcp) file to become part
of  the Page Templates.xtp file should be relatively straight forward
for someone familiar with the page templates template.


I am assuming you are referring to developments of Xerte 2.n and not
Xerte 3.


If that is the case is there any possibility that the developments that
you are seeking to complete by the end of Feb might include the
improvements to the handling of page wizard (xcp) files, so that xcp
files can become part of the official Xerte release?


Kind regards



Johnathan Kemp
ICT Development Coordinator
Connexions Staffordshire
www.cxstaffs.co.uk <http://www.cxstaffs.co.uk/> 
01785 355714





From: Julian Tenney [mailto:Julian.Tenney at nottingham.ac.uk] 
Sent: 27 January 2010 16:59
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Adding from other applications

Ahh. So you want it to match correctly when you enter 'typed' or 'was
typing'. I see. To my simple mind 'was typing' is two words, so couldn't
possibly be the right answer...


You can play around with it right now in the standalone verison - that
cotnains files last touche on 22 Jan. There is a bit of messing around
to do to get things working smoothly and finish it off - and I'm open to
ideas for new interactions if you have any. I want it finished by end of


The idea is that the piece is centred around a piece of media, and then
a series of interactions. The media is visible throughout. 

Any feedback ata ll would be good right now,






From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Hall C.M.
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 4:54 PM
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Adding from other applications


I'm teaching EFL. The problem I have is the choice of answer is between,
for example,  worked/ was working. When I've tried to make two word gaps
Xerte objects L If I put two gaps it gives the answer away. I've tried
using underscores and dashes but that's not really ideal.


The new templates sound interesting. When will they be available?




From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Julian Tenney
Sent: 27 January 2010 16:06
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Adding from other applications


I did some work recently on the gap fill exercise to allow parts of
words to be marked up for gaps - previously you could only mark up whole
words. What's a 'two- gap word'?


There is also a new template pretty much finished designed with modern
languages teaching in mind - what are you teaching?


From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Hall C.M.
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 4:03 PM
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Adding from other applications


My original question was about adding a Hot Potatoes Gap Fill to a Xerte
package in order to get round the problem of two-word gaps in Xerte. Eg
adding a Hot Potatoes page like a Google map but it doesn't seem
possible other than as a link. Not sure how SCORM is relevant either.




From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Julian Tenney
Sent: 27 January 2010 15:51
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Adding from other applications


I'm not sure how SCORM is relevant?


From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Yuping Jin
Sent: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 3:45 PM
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: Re: [Xerte] Adding from other applications


Is this expected by SCORM compliant LMS? To play other SCORM contents or
leverage them? I mean I'm not sure what kind of interoperability can be
obtained by complying to SCORM. Is it expected to insert SCORM content
from other product into Xerte piece?
Any point would be appreciated! 

On Tue, Jan 26, 2010 at 11:38 PM, Julian Tenney
<Julian.Tenney at nottingham.ac.uk> wrote:

No, but you can create links to them from a Xerte piece,


From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Hall C.M.
Sent: Tuesday, January 26, 2010 3:32 PM

To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: [Xerte] Adding from other applications




This might seem a strange question but Is it possible to add activities
from other applications, Hot Potatoes for example, to Xerte or Xerte



Chris Hall

e-Learning Support Officer

Swansea University

http://learninglab.swan.ac.uk <http://learninglab.swan.ac.uk/>  



Xerte mailing list
Xerte at lists.nottingham.ac.uk

Jin Yuping
jinyuping at gmail.com


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