[Xerte] Ispring SWF - full screen issues

Peter Snowball southman at internode.on.net
Wed Jan 13 12:25:19 GMT 2010

Ispring Presenter 4.3 - with quizzes etc

Crashes on Import media. The ispring swf is 30mb so I will have to make 
a smaller one to send to you.  I will test first to see if size is an 
issue on import.  Bit late over here so will send tomorrow. Have 
attached the smaller open office presentation which has the similar 
effects on changing display to full screen etc..

No. I was wondering if i was missing something in the xerte import media 
process etc to better control the display behavior.  Controlling the 
size in Ispring makes no difference.

Same behavior - fill window or  larger etc.  Remove the SWF files and 
all returns to expected behavior.

Thanks for your quick response

Peter Snowball

On 13/01/2010 10:57 PM, Julian Tenney wrote:
> Ispring is very good. Are you using the free or the pro version?
> I'd like to know why Xerte is crashing - is this during the importing
> process, or when you first try to preview the media?
> Do you mean you want a property to control the size in toolkits? I
> thought you could control the size of the swf on the way out of iSpring?
> Can you send me a file so I can check out the full screen problems - do
> you get the same issue when you select 'fill window'?
> J
> -----Original Message-----
> From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
> [mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Peter
> Snowball
> Sent: Wednesday, January 13, 2010 11:51 AM
> To: Xerte discussion list
> Subject: [Xerte] Ispring SWF - full screen issues
> I have been trialing the standalone version to integrate power point,
> text, photos movies etc from a range of sources into a professional
> development course.   We have Ispring and it does a great job
> converting to SWF but but branching eg ; into a framework is very
> limited within the one PowerPoint.
> I can successfully import an Ispring media file into Xerte .  Xerte
> crashes but after re opening the rlo file i must reset the size so it is
> visible - typically to something around 65 w by 45 h to show the power
> point and the flash lite player.  All functions well in preview
> including the Ispring lite player.
> If I publish and open in either Firefox or IE all functions as expected
> - except if change the display to full screen the SWF file appears to
> re-size its self with only a the top left  section of the slide visible,
> is not readable and crashes the player. You cant get it back
> I have also tested importing a simple PowerPoint into open office 3.1
> and converted to SWF.  The import media still crashes xerte but after
> reopening the rlo the size imported is OK and just covers the bottom
> toolbar of the player (where you set text size etc.) so a small size
> reset is all that is required.
> All functions well  but you get the same behavior if you go to full
> screen.
> I have also used the toolkit page template for Ispring sized to 685 x515
> pixels - the import is OK and the size is OK as well (just covers the
> bottom toolbar of the player (where you set text size etc.) so a small
> size reset is all that is required.  Again same behavior if you go to
> full screen.
> Cannot see any property that would over come this (setting the interface
> to default with displaysize does not seem to have any effect.
> Peter Snowball
> Department of Economic Development
> Tasmania Australia
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