[Xerte] Pedagogical Patterns (was non coders?)

Peter Pretorius pete.pretorius at gmail.com
Tue Feb 23 16:43:40 GMT 2010


I share your concern over "Related Patterns" and the difficulty in
maintaining such a section.  I do think it may be valuable to designers.  I
found Bergin's use of it informative and helpful.  You suggested keeping it
externally.  I like that notion.  External, but perhaps connected in some
fashion; maybe as simple as a separate page that's linked to.

- Pete

On 2/23/10, Julian Tenney <Julian.Tenney at nottingham.ac.uk> wrote:
>  OK, how about:
> *Name: *The Pattern Title
> *Summary: *Short summary.
> *Audience: *Brief description of the audience and any requirements.
> *Problem: *This sets out the context and offers a rationale for the
> solution. It includes the stuff from the ‘forces’ heading.
> *Solution: *More detailed informaton, building on the summary.
> *Considerations: *I think this section is maybe optional, but provides a
> place for suggested next steps, any implications, any key success factors.
> *Example: *A worked example / commentary. There could be several of these,
> and it would be good to add more examples easily later. Preferably a link to
> a real life example.
> *Related Patterns. *There could be several of these too. This information
> will be quickly outdated as more patterns are documented – so I’m not sure
> if this is the best place for this information as it will be hard to
> maintain – I’d be happy not to include this.
> What optional headings would you include? I think it’s important that the
> headings are words people have seen before…
> J
> *From:* xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk [mailto:
> xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] *On Behalf Of *Peter Pretorius
> *Sent:* Tuesday, February 23, 2010 6:15 AM
> *To:* Xerte discussion list
> *Subject:* Re: [Xerte] Pedagogical Patterns (was non coders?)
> Julian,
> Of the links you listed, I found the patterns detailed by Pace University,
> Joseph Bergin, to be much more easily accessible than those listed at
> pedagogicalpatterns.org.  I'm not commenting on their respective value,
> but rather solely on how the patterns were presented.  I think those on the
> csis.pace.edu pages are much easier to read and understand.  I think it's
> due to the liberal use of section headings within the pace.edu pages;
> though it's perhaps also due to the *choice* of headings, and the style of
> writing.
> I like the approach you took with your example.  In addition, I do think
> Bergin's use of a "Thumbnail" section immediately after the name was very
> helpful, since I found that the first question that always occurred to me
> after reading the pattern name, whether it was *Fixer Upper*, *Mistake*,
> or *Larger Than Life*, was, "What *is* this Pattern?"  And the "Thumbnail"
> section succinctly answered that.
> I also liked the "Audience / Context" heading that Bergin uses, since a
> question for me would often be, "When can/should I use this?  In front of
> what audience?"  I think "Context" alone could suffice, but I think the
> former heading may be more descriptive, and so offer greater clarity to a
> wider audience.
> By the way, the Pace.edu page seems to have different iterations.  The
> "Thumbnail" section wasn't present on the link you provided, but it is
> present on this version of the page:
> http://csis.pace.edu/~bergin/PedPat1.2.html#earlybird.
> I think deciding on a template as a first step, as you suggest, makes
> sense.  As with Weisburgh's template (the Wikipedia page), perhaps some
> sections could be optional, and so be present or not depending on whether
> they apply to the current pattern.  I also like the idea of keeping the
> patterns to one page, and of trying to keep their explanations as simple as
> possible (but not simpler), so that even a layman can understand them.  As
> you have suggested, the more clearly we can explain a pattern, the more we
> amplify its utility.
> - Pete
> On Mon, Feb 22, 2010 at 6:39 AM, Julian Tenney <
> Julian.Tenney at nottingham.ac.uk> wrote:
> Here's a pattern I know quite well, written up in as simple a format as
> possible. I think  the aim has to be to make these easily undestood and
> accessible to the layman, like a good recipe book. The main criticism I have
> of intructional design tools is that you normally need a good insight into
> ID to use them - in which case, you probably don't need them. We need to get
> this to people who don’t have the ID insight, and make it readily
> accessible.
> I took the patterns language from the wikipedia page on pedagogical
> patterns, and ripped out most of it, this is what was left. I think as a
> guideline we would not want more than a page per pattern. I’m happy to
> include the bits I missed out, but I found them a bit confusing. What do you
> think?
> *Design Pattern: Multiple Perspectives*
> * *
> *Problem*: In many disciplines problems do not have simple, single
> solutions. Some problems, particularly in the arts and social sciences,
> become more complex as more thought is given to them. Introducing students
> to points of view they might not have considered helps broaden their
> thinking on the relevant issues, and helps develop a deeper understanding.
> *Solution*
> Present the students with opinions of a diverse group of people on the
> issue. Try and include opinions outside the experience of the student.
> Prompt discussions between the students. Prompt the students to consider
> various aspects of the person and their opinion, and to compare and contrast
> the various views portrayed. Ask the student to make a brief statement
> before reviewing the media setting out their own position on the issue.
> After the media has been reviewed, ask the student to consider if their
> position has changed.
> *Example*
> Students are developing ideas of a perfect society, and are attempting to
> answer the question ‘what would make a perfect society?’ Prior to reviewing
> the material, students print out a worksheet and make a brief statement of
> their own view – these might be discussed in the peer group, where different
> views will be apparent. However, it is likely that the peer group will share
> many viewpoints.
> The students are then presented with views on ‘the perfect society’ from
> several different people from very different walks of life and are asked to
> consider how the background of the person might influence their views on
> society. Students are then prompted to record how the media has influenced
> their own viewpoint, and whether it has changed.
> Students then work together in a group to discuss their findings, and are
> prompted to discuss other factors with questions such as ‘does our view of
> society change as we age?’ or ‘what are the factors that influence someone’s
> view on society’. Ask the students to identify the things that have most
> influenced their own point of view throughout the exercise, and to suggest
> further opnions that would be helpful.
> See http://example.ac.uk.
> *Related Patterns*
> This is useful, but the problem here is that related patterns might not
> have been documented yet, so I think this information needs to be held
> outside the pattern itself.
> *From:* Tenney Julian
> *Sent:* Monday, February 22, 2010 8:31 AM
> *To:* 'Xerte discussion list'
> *Subject:* RE: [Xerte] non coders?
> OK, lets make it happen:
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedagogical_patterns has some useful
> suggestions for how to document a pattern.
> http://csis.pace.edu/~bergin/PedPat1.3.html has some examples of patterns.
> http://www.pedagogicalpatterns.org/ is another project doing this work.
> So there is some stuff to start to go at. For me, the result would be a
> very friendly set of patterns that are easy to read and understand to people
> coming to this for the first time. The problem with some of the existing
> work is it quickly gets quite ID-heavy, and I think that might be a barrier
> to the target audience we are trying to reach.
> I think there is also a can of worms in attempting to classify them as any
> taxonomy probably relies on some underpinning theory. I think behaviourists
> would probably classify their patterns differently to constructivists – and
> indeed would probably have quite different patterns – it’s not my intention
> to get drawn into those sort of debates, rather, where a particular strategy
> has been found to have value, it should be offered up for re-use.
> I like the idea of developing a template with which to describe a pattern
> as a first step: what do you think of the headings documented at
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pedagogical_patterns? Maybe we should try
> using them to document a pattern or two of our own?
> *From:* xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk [mailto:
> xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] *On Behalf Of *Peter Pretorius
> *Sent:* Sunday, February 21, 2010 7:50 PM
> *To:* Xerte discussion list
> *Subject:* Re: [Xerte] non coders?
> J,
> That sounds like a *very* worthwhile project.  What you're suggesting is
> non-existent, as far as I know.  A toolkit full of pedagogical designs,
> complete with illustrations and/or examples.  Wow!  That's an instructional
> designer's dream.
> - Pete
> On 2/19/10, *Julian Tenney* <Julian.Tenney at nottingham.ac.uk> wrote:
> Good idea. I was thinking about setting up a page on the xerte web site
> maybe, or the wiki, where we can contribute pedagogical design patterns,
> maybe with links to examples. I agree entirely that the instructional
> strategy is what underpins the actual learning. As a technologist I have
> heard educational types chastise me with 'well, we can't have the
> technology leading the pedgogy', to which my muted response is usually
> something along the lines of 'ok, lets see the pedagogy then'.
> I think it would be great for people starting to use online materials in
> their teaching to have a source of inspiration for how to use them
> effectively. Simple, sound ideas that we can describe in a couple of
> paragraphs, and not necessarily Xerte specific.
> J
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