[Xerte] Access > Other

RonM ronm at mitchellmedia.co.uk
Mon Feb 15 18:16:40 GMT 2010

Hi Pat

Have a new XOT installation in use today and someone asked me about the
option to prevent public access via the 'Other' option. Am I right in
thinking that should work as follows: add a site URL in the textbox e.g.
http://nottingham.ac.uk and then all LO links followed from anywhere on that
site will work but accessed from anywhere else and presumably some kind of
restricted access message?


On this new installation I'm getting the following error:


Fatal error: Call to undefined function dont_show_template() in **deleted
path**/xertetoolkits/play.php on line 334


Any ideas?


About to check on another installation to see if I get a similar error.




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