[Xerte] New Technologies

Dave Burnett d_b_burnett at hotmail.com
Fri Feb 5 13:04:37 GMT 2010

Gads, that's 3 or 4 Moore's cycles.
Even Nostradamus....

Apologies Julian if I'm veering off your intended topic, but I'm thinking less of technology and more of technique.
And mobile, as immediately cited by several folks is one of the prime movers behind the technique.

The battle over that vast data pool that Google, Microsoft, etc are engaged in is for one purpose, commerce.
Refining the ability to micro-target consumer preferences is the grail.
And what is a "learning mode" if not a "consumer preference"?

So regardless of the delivery mode, it will be the dynamic, preference based, context oriented assembly of effective *for that individual* content that needs to be sought.

Perhaps SCORM will finally come into it's own, and the prime "technology" will be the one that links "learning mode" to "consumer preference".

My 2 bob on a Friday.

> Date: Fri, 5 Feb 2010 12:04:30 +0000
> From: Julian.Tenney at nottingham.ac.uk
> To: xerte at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
> Subject: [Xerte] New Technologies
> Good people,
> Something to muse on on a Friday afternoon: what new technologies do you
> see impacting the elearning landscape in the next 3 - 5 years? What
> emerging technologies do you think will have the biggest impact on the
> way elearning is conceived, delivered and produced?
> We are looking at developing a new strategy, and your views would be
> very interesting!
> Thanks, have a great weekend,
> J
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