[Xerte] display sound controller within rss feed results

RonM ronm at mitchellmedia.co.uk
Fri Feb 5 12:11:24 GMT 2010

Hi Julian/Pat

Is there a way I can dynamically display a sound controller within an rss
feed display?

e.g. similar to the existing misc > rss page type but within the feed items
displayed have a sound controller too?


The feed I have in mind has a link to an mp3 for each item but I'm not sure
how I can dynamically position a player (possibly just a play/stop button)
with each result.


On a not unrelated note would be great to have a template similar to the
existing create an rss feed template which allows the creation of a podcast
feed e.g. with the ability to select and upload an mp3 for each item. I've
had that on my todo list for ages just haven't found the time to do it. L Do
you already have something like that?






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