[Xerte] statusColour not working onload

Ron Mitchell ronm at mitchellmedia.co.uk
Sun Dec 19 20:15:53 GMT 2010


I guess this might be a question for Julian...


I've been trying to create a set of styles for an XOT installation (but
testing with Xerte) where the status bar colour is light rather than dark
and therefore needs dark rather than the default white text. I think I've
indentified that the style to change is statusColour but it seems that when
the LO first loads that style only has an effect on the continue button
bottom right not all the text on the status bar. If I then select the Colour
Scheme menu and Default the style applies correctly to all the text on the
status bar. I've had a look at XMLEngine.fla but can't find where to fix
this and not sure even if that's where the problem lies. Any ideas?




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