[Xerte] xerte online toolkits install problem

Natalie Brown natalie at occumax.com.au
Thu Oct 29 04:50:11 GMT 2009


Thankyou for a tool that I think will be so useful to my practice. I 
have installed xerte on my computer and have had not problem learning 
how to use it.

I would now like to install the xerte online toolkits on a stand alone 
computer but cannot get it to install. I have watched the install video 
numerous times and I can't work out what I am doing wrong. Everything in 
the directions works fine until I try to go to 
http://localhost/xertetoolkits/setup . I get a "Page Load Error/ Failed 
to connect" message and cannot finish the installation. I am running 
Vista (is this my problem?) I hope someone can help me figure this out 
as it looks like such a useful tool to use.

Also to the maintainers of the site I have noticed that there is an 
error in the link to download and install XAMPP on the Online Toolkits 
Page (http://www.nottingham.ac.uk/xerte/toolkits.htm). You may already 
have been notified of this but the text and link read:

Download and install XAMPP accepting the default settings, from 

As you can see the "e" on the end of .exe has not been highlighted as 
part of the link, therefore, you cannot click through to the page. Just 
thought I would mention it just in case no one else had.

Thanks in advance

Natalie Brown MHthSc(OT) BHlthSc(OT) SIPT AccOT
Occupational Therapist & Director

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Phone: +61 7 4953 5555
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email: natalie at occumax.com.au <mailto:natalie at occumax.com.au>
Web: www.occumax.com.au <http://www.occumax.com.au/>

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