[Xerte] Template Wizard - MCQ Sound on Options

Johnathan Kemp johnathan.kemp at cxstaffs.co.uk
Thu Oct 8 08:43:51 BST 2009

Has there been any change to the mcq.rlm file in order to support this
addition to the functionality of the mcq page template and if so would
you mind supplying a copy?
Kind regards

Johnathan Kemp
ICT Development Coordinator
Connexions Staffordshire
www.cxstaffs.co.uk <http://www.cxstaffs.co.uk/> 
01785 355714




From: Paul Beckwith [mailto:paul.beckwith at acns-group.com] 
Sent: 07 October 2009 16:56
To: 'Xerte discussion list'
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Template Wizard - MCQ Sound on Options

Oh you have to add it to the quiz. I was trying to add it to the MCQ bit


It's working fine now


Cheers mate


From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Julian Tenney
Sent: 07 October 2009 16:15
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Template Wizard - MCQ Sound on Options


mind the wrap - the only new line you need is the one in bold, near the

<sound type="Media" label="Sound File" optional="true"/>


  <quiz menu="Interactivity" menuItem="Quiz" icon="icPageWhiteGear"
remove="true" thumb="thumbs/quiz.jpg" hint="Use the quiz to present a
formative assessment comprising a series of single answer or multiple
answer multiple choice questions.">
    <name type="textInput" label="Quiz Title"/>
    <order type="comboBox" options="sequence,random" label="Question
Order" width="120"/>
    <align type="comboBox" options="left,right" label="Alignment"
    <panelWidth type="ComboBox" label="Panel Width"
options="Small,Medium,Large,Full" width="100"/>
    <instructions type="textArea" label="Instructions" height="120"/>
    <judge type="CheckBox" label="Judge Questions"/>
    <feedback type="textArea" label="Feedback" height="120"/>

    <scorm type="combobox" label="Scorm Tracking" options="Track First
Score,Track Last Score" defaultValue="Track First Score" optional="true"
    <narration type="media" label="Narration" optional="true"/>

      <question><![CDATA[<question prompt="Here is a prompt"
type="Single Answer"/>]]></question>


  <question menuItem="Question" icon="icPageWhite" remove="true">

    <prompt type="TextArea" label="Prompt" height="100"/>
    <type type="ComboBox" options="Single Answer,Multiple Answer"
width="120" label="Question Type"/>

    <image type="Media" optional="true" label="Image"/>

      <option><![CDATA[<option text="here is an option"
feedback="feedback for this option" correct="false"/>]]></option>


  <option menuItem="Option" icon="icBullet">

    <text type="TextArea" label="Option" height="100"/>
    <feedback type="TextArea" label="Feedback" height="100"/>
    <correct type="ComboBox" options="true,false" width="100"
    <sound type="Media" label="Sound File" optional="true"/>




From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk on behalf of Paul Beckwith
Sent: Wed 07/10/2009 16:16
To: 'Xerte discussion list'
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Template Wizard - MCQ Sound on Options

Nah, isn't working... but if it did, wouldn't this add a new option? I
don't want to do that, I want to have the ability to add a sound
actually within each option.


Here's what I've got at the mo anyway...




  <mcq menu="Interactivity" menuItem="Multiple Choice Question"
icon="icComments" remove="true" thumb="thumbs/mcq.jpg" hint="Poses an
multiple answer question with multiple options. Create simple true -
false questions, or more complex questions with multiple correct


    <name type="TextInput" label="Page Title"/>

    <align type="ComboBox" label="Align Text" options="Left,Right"

    <instruction type="TextArea" label="Instruction" height="100"/>

    <prompt type="TextArea" label="Prompt" height="100"/>

    <type type="ComboBox" options="Single Answer,Multiple Answer"
width="120" label="Question Type"/>

    <panelWidth type="ComboBox" label="Panel Width"
options="Small,Medium,Large,Full" width="100"/>


    <narration type="media" label="Narration" optional="true"/>





                  <sound type="media" label="Sound" optional="true"/>

                  <![CDATA[<option sound="Select a Sound" text="here is
an option" feedback="feedback for this option" correct="false"/>]]>









From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Julian Tenney
Sent: 07 October 2009 15:41
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Template Wizard - MCQ Sound on Options


first on, 2 - thats the xml that is added


second, no, in the section for an option...



  <sound type="media" label="Sound" (possibly)optional="true"/>




the optional = true bit means the user will have to add it from the
optional properties combo at the top,







From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk on behalf of Paul Beckwith
Sent: Wed 07/10/2009 15:23
To: 'Xerte discussion list'
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Template Wizard - MCQ Sound on Options

Thanks Jules, 


Just struggling a bit to see where you mean.... When you say add it to
the option tag, which tag do you mean?...


   <option (1) here? > <![CDATA[<option  or (2) here? text="here is an
option" feedback="feedback for this option"


And when you say add it to the part of the .xwd ..... I've been adding
it inside <mcq... >  here  </mcq> is that right? 






From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Julian Tenney
Sent: 07 October 2009 14:21
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Template Wizard - MCQ Sound on Options


you need to add it to the option tag:


<option sound="Select a Sound"...> - this is in the newNodes section for
a question - so the xml node for the option contains the sound="blah"
bit as well.


AND add it to the part of the .xwd so that the wizard can draw the
control for it


<sound type="media" label="Sound File"/>





From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk on behalf of Paul Beckwith
Sent: Wed 07/10/2009 13:29
To: 'Xerte discussion list'
Subject: [Xerte] Template Wizard - MCQ Sound on Options

Hi everyone, 


I'm trying to edit the multiple choice question model in the Xerte
Template Wizard  so that depending on which option the user chooses, a
different audio file will be played. To do this I need to add the
ability to add a sound file link to each option. I think I need to add
the  <sound type="Media" label="SoundFile"/>  element somewhere in the
XML but everywhere I have tried hasn't given a result... I haven't even
managed to break it which is a first for me!


Any help would be great J





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