[Xerte] Tab Navigator Variant & Symbol Picker

Vince Byfield vincebyfield at hotmail.com
Wed Oct 7 06:21:47 BST 2009

Thanks for the advice, Julian. I'm still a tad perplexed. I understand that elements within the newNodes tag enable the author/user to create zero or more child elements on an as-needed basis. What I want, however, with this variant of the tab navigator is for a fixed number of child elements to appear automatically (i.e. not instantiated by the author) at the same time that the parent tabNavVarient element itself is created. Something like below:


  <!--TAB NAVIGATOR VARIANT WITH SYMBOL PICKER ------------------------------------------------------->
  <tabNavVariant menu="Misc" menuItem="Tab Navigator with Symbol Picker" icon="icTab" remove="true" thumb="thumbs/tabNav.jpg" hint="The material information screen allows you to detail important preparation and handling information on potentially hazardous materials.">
    <name type="TextInput" label="Page Title"/>
    <url type="media" label="Image"/>
    <tip type="TextInput" label="Image Tooltip" optional="true"/>
    <text type="TextArea" height="250" label="Text"/>
    <tabWidth type="NumericStepper" min="20" max="250" step="10" label="Tab Width" width="100"/>

    <narration type="media" label="Narration" optional="true"/>
    <nestedPage name="SymTab1" text="Content for the pane" align="Top" />
    <nestedPage name="SymTab2" symbolset="SymbolSet1" text="Content for the pane" align="Top" />
    <nestedPage name="SymTab3" symbolset="SymbolSet2" text="Content for the pane" align="Top" />




Is this possible? If not, what needs to be done to make it so? (Hence my query about source for wizard.swf). 


Furthermore, I notice all the child elements in the example above contain a 'type' attribute. Perhaps some modifications to wizard.fla and/or adding a type 'newNode' would do the trick?

Your assistance is appreciated, as always, Julian.





Subject: RE: [Xerte] Tab Navigator Variant & Symbol Picker
Date: Tue, 6 Oct 2009 21:07:28 +0100
From: Julian.Tenney at nottingham.ac.uk
To: xerte at lists.nottingham.ac.uk

The secret is in the newNodes tag. 
You can define your tabNavigator
..allow it to add children - you know this already...
..then determine which children they in turn can add - same principle applies...
..those options always appear at the bottom of the wizard below the parent's form.
Then, in your code, you need to see what sort of thing you get, and create it. The quiz sort of does this - adds questions and options. The logic for what you propose is a bit more involved - there's a few more decisions to make and logic / icons to construct.
The closest models are quiz and annotatedDiagram (which takes hotspot AND hostpotGroup as children).

From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk on behalf of Vince Byfield
Sent: Tue 06/10/2009 17:16
To: xerte at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
Subject: [Xerte] Tab Navigator Variant & Symbol Picker

Greetings :-)

I would like to create a new model that is similar in appearance and functionality to the tab navigator with the following additional requirements:

upon the author's instantiation of this tab navigator variant a predetermined number of tabs, or nested pages, would also be created. These tabs could be assigned with predefined names and text.

Some of these nested pages would allow the user to choose from a predefined set of symbols to appear within the tab. Each of these symbols would have a name, a link to a small icon-like image, a predefined description and the ability for the user to enter additional text about that symbol

I am able to modify the wizard to include a variant of the tabNav RLM to create customized additional nested pages but I would like the wizard to create these nested pages automatically when the author instantiates the tabNav variant. I have yet to see a model within Xerte that automatically creates sub-icons at the same time of the icon, so I suspect a change within wizard.swf itself is in order. If true, where can I find wizard.fla for the Xerte 2.6 package?

The symbol picker would be an optional feature for some nested pages within the tabNav variant. I'm trying to think of the most elegant, reusable method for the symbol picker, something that upon completion others might find useful. If someone has already created a similar animal I would naturally be interested in having a boo at it.

Julian, your advice would be most appreciated.



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