[Xerte] Templates question

ron at kccsoft.com ron at kccsoft.com
Tue Oct 6 23:55:00 BST 2009

I am probably missing something very obvious here (hopefully) but wanted to
confirm how templates work.


I am using the 2.6 version on Xerte on the desktop. I'm wondering if there
is any way to use some of the template pages like the question pages out of
the 'toolkits' version in this desktop version.


Under the 'Templates' menu item are 'Page Templates' 'Media Templates'
'Presentation' etc. When I select an item it prompts me to 'create or select
a folder for the new project'. I do this, then the main 2.6 xerte shuts down
and jump to the rlt file where I assume I build my template pages. But how
do I get them back into the main rlo file, or can I?


I am right in assuming that the 'Templates' menu in the full desktop version
just jumps you out to a set of templates, but there is no way to get the two
together? I'm trying to use some of the templates pages inside the main
desktop Xerte designer in my rlo file.... is this possible? Or do you build
your pages manually in the full desktop version, and templates are only
usable in toolkits?




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