[Xerte] Xerte installation

Patrick Lockley Patrick.Lockley at nottingham.ac.uk
Tue Oct 6 15:34:07 BST 2009

Ah the old php5_ldap rpm error. That's what I was going to suggest next.


Am more than happy to take on board suggestions as to how things can
improve installer wise (and have asked before but no one replies).


Suggestions to test for - please add below


USER-FILES / Import / Error-logs (if error logs are turned on?) are
writable too 


That if opted for LDAP can be tested




From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Murray, Kevin
Sent: 06 October 2009 15:27
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Xerte installation




Oops, just checked and found I hadn't installed php5_ldap rpm. I can now
login via LDAP.


Anyway you could have the setup check that the pre-requisites have been
met during the installation as have seen with other web applications?


Thanks for your help.




From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Murray, Kevin
Sent: 06 October 2009 15:11
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Xerte installation




Still struggling with the blank page. I can login to the management.php
side fine using the admin username and password so I have attempted to
enter details for our LDAP servers. Although a format isn't specified so
I have just put the bare name ldap.example.com not the URL


Turning the PHP display_errors On shows no errors on the blank page and
the "Notice: Undefined variable: form_string in /opt/xerte/index.php"
only appears when going back to the index.php page explicitly as there
is no way to get back from the blank page.


Changing the frontpage.css fixed all the case related errors.


Is there a specific debug mode in Xerte itself to make it give me more
feedback as to what is wrong with it?




From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Patrick
Sent: 05 October 2009 13:49
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Xerte installation


Your blank page is almost certainly a lack of LDAP on your server. Form
string is something that comes from the database, I think to draw the
login box. It should be there.


Look in sitedetails for form_string?


The admin username and password is for management.php only (it doesn't
work for index.php)


I thought we'd gotten all the mod_spelling errors out of the way.


Anyone know a quick way of lower casing a website?


From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Murray, Kevin
Sent: 05 October 2009 13:45
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Xerte installation


Thanks, Pat. It finished the install now. Next problem after I login
with the admin username and password the next page is just blank.


Apache error_log


[Mon Oct 05 13:35:44 2009] [error] [client] PHP Notice:
Undefined variable: form_string in /opt/xerte/index.php on line 41

[Mon Oct 05 13:35:44 2009] [error] [client] File does
not exist: /opt/xerte/website_code/images/RoundCornerTr.gif, referer:

[Mon Oct 05 13:35:44 2009] [error] [client] File does
not exist: /opt/xerte/website_code/images/RoundCornerbr.gif, referer:

[Mon Oct 05 13:35:44 2009] [error] [client] File does
not exist: /opt/xerte/website_code/images/RoundCornerbL.gif, referer:


In website_code/images the file names are RoundCornerTR.gif,
RoundCornerBR.gif and RoundCornerBL.gif so my case sensitive Linux
system is happy with the case difference.  However I think the important
one may be the first one "Undefined variable": form_string"


Why is it undefined? Has the index.php crashed out and if so why?




From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Patrick
Sent: 05 October 2009 13:06
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Xerte installation


I just did a test install, and I get those errors if setup/database.txt
isn't chmod 0777


From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Patrick
Sent: 05 October 2009 12:22
To: Xerte discussion list
Subject: RE: [Xerte] Xerte installation




I've never read the default php.ini, I've heard the plot is really bad.


We did make a long tag version a while back, and we asked people to
report back to us, but never heard anything. I would assume grepping <?
For <?PHP in all the php files would be quicker than setting up a
virtual server?


As far as I know, the only reason it would fail to write those values to
database.txt is because of a rights issue on the folder?





From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Murray, Kevin
Sent: 05 October 2009 11:46
To: xerte at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
Subject: [Xerte] Xerte installation


I am trying to install Xerte toolkits and I am running into a few


First just a moan as it says in the default php.ini file "For portable,
redistributable code, be sure not to use short tags.". As the web
servers here do not use short_open_tags I had to set up a special
virtual machine on which I could turn on short_open_tags just for Xerte
as you can't turn it on for just one Apache virtual server it had to
affect the whole web service.


Moan over onto the current problem. I have followed through the
installation and it has created the database OK as the first time it
asks for database privileges it asks for server name, database name,
user, password, and database prefix. However the second time it only
asks for a database user with enough select, insert, modify and delete
privileges and a password. So I duly entered these. On the next page
there is a long list of options in which I filled in the admin username
and password, and put the name of the institution in. On clicking next
it says it cannot write anything to the database. I check in the Xerte
directory and the database.php has the second database username and
password but no database host, database name or database prefix.


I have been through the steps a number of times now and the only time I
made it close to the end was to modify the database.php file manually.


My colleagues from the Education Technology Unit are keen to use Xerte
so it doubly frustrating that the installation is difficult.


Kevin Murray

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