[Xerte] sub/super script?

Dave Burnett d_b_burnett at hotmail.com
Fri Nov 13 09:46:47 GMT 2009

>- Use the embedded subscript - superscript
font. This works quite well if you can control the font display. Embed the
fonts by making a resources.swf with them in, then use the embedded font on the
learning object or text icons. You can embed normal verdana and the sub / super
fonts, and then mix them in a text icon <font
face="verdana">O</font>. Drawbacks are i) this is a pain in
the arse; ii) there are good reaons not to embed fonts - in toolkits its the
accesibility stuff, there are others;

Thanks Julian  & John.
Could you expand a bit on this one.i.e. the accessibility issue.
If it's what I'm thinking, could it be perhaps be faked out with some metadata offscreen somewhere?

Windows 7: Unclutter your desktop.
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