[Xerte] debug(), focus

Fred Riley Fred.Riley at nottingham.ac.uk
Thu Jun 25 17:10:02 BST 2009

Thanks for the swift reply as ever, Julian (and Pat).

> You've got two Xerte's open. It's a long standing bug, which 
> is really hard to know how to fix.

Ok, I can see why that might be the case, but I'm sure that
debug(whatever) was working before in Preview mode because I used it to
examine a couple of variables (see the thread I started yesterday). Why
would it work one minute in Preview mode and not the next? No big. 

> The focus thing is a problem with the old Zinc version that 
> we use to build Xerte. I am hoping that v3.0 addresses some 
> of the little foibles that zinc has had - others are sporadic 
> abilitiy to drag files into the aplpication and open them - 
> sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't.

v3.0? Bloody hell, and I'm still using 1.9! I'd best get upgrading.



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