[Xerte] navigate(199) fail!

Marc Torruella Altadill mtorruella at viguera.com
Fri Jun 5 09:46:44 BST 2009

Hi everyone,


Nottingham we have a problem.


We have 208 pages in our course. We can navigate with our custom interface
to all of them but one. 

Page 199 resists now and ever our efforts to load it.


We use templates, we swaped the pages to see if it was a problem with the
template, but no way, the same page it wont display on position 199, it
displays perfectly on any other position.


And the most amazing of all, if we set interface display to 1 (so xertes
interface is also visual), then we can display page 199 using our custom
interface navigation arrows. but if we hidden xertes interface setting its
visuals to 0, our custom interface can navigate to all pages but 199.


Isn't it great when something like that happens? Hours and hours of



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