[Xerte] Button problems with rollover

Peter Huppertz peter.huppertz at baselgovernance.org
Sat Jan 31 17:55:05 GMT 2009

So I think I solved the problem:

I need to add the event response as a child object of the button itselfs. 
So my actual structure now is as follows

-- Interaction
---- Button
------- Interaction
---------- onRelease

Somehow complicated, but on the other hand quit logical, or is there a 
less extensive version on how to do that?


Peter Huppertz
E-learning and IT Specialist
International Centre for Asset Recovery
Basel Institute on Governance
Phone: +41 61 205 55 18
Fax: +41 61 267 55 19

Dave Burnett <d_b_burnett at hotmail.com>
Xerte list <xerte at lists.nottingham.ac.uk>
01/31/2009 02:40 PM
RE: [Xerte] Button problems with rollover
Sent by:
xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk

Have you experimented with the perpetual property?

It sound like the flow is entering the event and sitting there.


To: xerte at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
From: peter.huppertz at baselgovernance.org
Date: Sat, 31 Jan 2009 14:34:07 +0100
Subject: [Xerte] Button problems with rollover

Hi List, 

I created a custom button based on the examples which works mostly fine. I 
have the following structure 

Page 1 
--- Interaction 1 
----- myButton: rs = myButton; swf = myButton.swf 
----- event: eventName = onRelease; icon = myButton 
-------- script: debug("button released") 

Using this setup the event works fine and button released is printed in 
the debug window. BUT the button does not show the overState, when I'm 
hovering over it. If I add id = myButton in the button icon the overState 
is shown correctly, but the onRelease event isn't called anymore. 

Do you have any suggestions what the problem is? 


Peter Huppertz
E-learning and IT Specialist
International Centre for Asset Recovery
Basel Institute on Governance
Phone: +41 61 205 55 18
Fax: +41 61 267 55 19
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