[Xerte] Decision eraseOnExit does not work properly?

Dave Burnett d_b_burnett at hotmail.com
Thu Feb 12 12:16:33 GMT 2009

This may have nothing to do with it, but are there 2 icons with the same id?
In Authorware this is a no-no and causes strange behaviours.


To: xerte at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
From: peter.huppertz at baselgovernance.org
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2009 12:46:33 +0100
Subject: [Xerte] Decision eraseOnExit does not work properly?

Hi List,

I have the following structure:


-- fw id=currentFWID

---- page1

-------decision id=currentFWID, eraseOnExit=1,
branch=sequence, repeat=all



----- page2

on an entrypage I created a button with
the onRelease event script currentFWID.nextPage().

Everything works fine except that when
I reach the end of the decision page2 is displayed on top of page1, thus
the content of page1 is NOT erased at the end of the decision branch. What
did I do wrong?

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