[Xerte] Drag & drop text / Carrying values between pages

Woollard, Jon j.woollard at herts.ac.uk
Tue Aug 18 11:30:26 BST 2009


I have only recently downloaded and installed Xerte, and I have a couple of very straightforward questions:

Firstly, how do I drag and drop text?  I have followed http://lists.nottingham.ac.uk/pipermail/xerte/2007-October/000085.html to create a simple drag and drop, but I need to develop it further to use text.

Secondly, how do I carry values between pages (e.g. for a final score on a quiz)?

Also, slightly off-topic, could anyone recommend a good textbook for ActionScript?  I have a (pretty) basic knowledge of programming, but I think I'm going to need to develop ActionScript further.

Many thanks,


Jon Woollard
Principal Technical Officer
Dept of Physiotherapy
UH Health Ltd
Wright Building
University of Hertfordshire
AL10 9AB
T.(01707) 286452
Internal x3452

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