[Xerte] errors with toolkits 1.0

Patrick Lockley Patrick.Lockley at nottingham.ac.uk
Wed Apr 15 15:37:13 BST 2009

On point 2 - that's me - trying to make it easier to maintain files. The
server based rloObject.js is now so far removed from the local one that
they can't be considered the same. Once Julian gets back I'll have a
look at the export code and see what I can do




Changed line 91 (the first line in the else part of the if($scorm==true)


To be 


copy($scorm_path . "rloObject.js", $dir_path . "rloObject.js");


On Point 3 - Works fine here - no error at all (even if I do open in new
window). I am guessing its your server suppressing an error?


From: xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
[mailto:xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of RonM
Sent: 13 April 2009 22:28
To: 'Xerte discussion list'
Subject: [Xerte] errors with toolkits 1.0


Hi all

Firstly thanks for everyone's suggestions regarding the string/xml
manipulation - much appreciated. I got what I wanted working and you can
see an example here: http://mitchellmedia.co.uk/xerte/twitter_test/ 


However the main point of this message is to summarise some errors I'm
finding with toolkits 1.0 and to check if it's the same for others?


1.       I'll start with an issue sort of related to the above example:
If I preview or view that example via my toolkits install the rss
doesn't show either on this or a standard page templates rss page. I
haven't added any proxy details to the installation but I'm not aware it
needs any and to make it more confusing the example above is a file I
created with my toolkits install and then exported, published locally
and uploaded to a folder on the same web server. So the feed works when
not viewed via toolkits but does when viewed or previewed via toolkits.
Anyone else got the same problem?

2.       A not unrelated error but minor is the following: If I create
an LO using my toolkits installation and then export that LO, extract
the zip locally and then view index.htm the preloader doesn't finish and
the LO doesn't show. If I then open learningobject.rlo, publish and
re-open index.htm it does work. Is this the same for others?
Julian/Pat - not sure if it's related but we briefly discussed before
that I think it would be better if the exported file kept the same name
as on the server e.g. Nottingham.rlt rather than learningobject.rlo

3.       Pat - this one I guess is for you: I've discovered a remaining
bug with the moodle integration which so far only seems to affect
export. With the 2 moodle integration files in place the login works and
the creation and editing works but when I go to export I get a blank
screen. E.g. website_code/php/scorm/export.php?scorm=false&template_id=2
displays a blank window.
Thomas - I'd be interested to know if you're getting the same problem
with exporting with moodle integration enabled?

4.       The only other error I've found is the one already reported
with the installer and the tweak to database.txt suggested by Thomas
seems to fix that.






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