[Xerte] How do you use the Path property of a Decision icon?

Paul Swanson Paul.Swanson at harlandfs.com
Mon Jun 23 18:32:46 BST 2008

I'm trying to branch using a Decision icon's path property, and I'm not
sure how to go about it. Can the path property take an expression or
variable? I'm using a variable determined in a script icon for the path:

if (score < 90) {
  path = 1;
} else {
  path = 2;

and entering {path} for the path property of the Decision icon, but I
seem to go down the first branch no matter what path equals. What is the
correct way to do this?


 Paul Swanson
 Instructional Designer
 Harland Financial Solutions
 Portland, Oregon, USA

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