[Xerte] Incorporating Captivate movies in Xerte 1.7

Mark.Siegrist at vertexinc.com Mark.Siegrist at vertexinc.com
Fri Oct 5 14:22:38 BST 2007

I'm assuming that "myTimeline._currentframe" is intended to reference the
Captivate-generated swf and polling it's _currentframe property? If so, I
do not believe that will work because there is no _currentframe property
exposed by a Captivate-generated swf. With the exception of the ".swf"
extension, Captivate-generated swf's are completely different animals in
terms of the methods and properties available to work with them. In place
of "myTimeline._currentframe" you would need to use:

if (myTimeline.rdinfoCurrentFrame == myTimeline.rdinfoFrameCount) {
      //we reached the end

The "rdinfo" term is a holdover from the RoboDemo days - Captivate was not
originally developed by Adobe/Macromedia, so that is why things are so
different with Captivate-generated swf's.

One other option you could try is to put a "code swf" inside the Captivate
that calls the parent swf (ie, Xerte), on the last slide at the last second
of that slide's timeline. The way this works is basically you create a swf
in flash that consists of nothing but actionscript. Then in Captivate you
insert a new 'animation' (aka swf) at the end of the CP so that it is the
last thing that fires. Once fired, it just executes the actionscript
contained in the 'code swf'.

So from there you could call Xerte via actionscript.

There probably is an easier way via javascript, but I have no experience
with that. So I thought I'd throw this option out there.

Hope this helps.


             "Tenney Julian"                                               
             <Julian.Tenney at no                                             
             ttingham.ac.uk>                                            To 
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             xerte-bounces at lis         <xerte at lists.nottingham.ac.uk>      
             ts.nottingham.ac.                                          cc 
                                       RE: [Xerte] Incorporating Captivate 
             10/05/2007 03:52          movies in Xerte 1.7                 
             Please respond to                                             
             Xerte discussion                                              
             <xerte at lists.nott                                             

Thanks for posting that. As you say, if you know which timeline you want
to check for completion, you can poll from Xerte to see if it checks.

Set up an interaction, with an event response set to onEnterFrame, icon
to any icon you want to use to poll, that isn't doing anything else. Put
a debug("onEnterframe") in there to check it is polling - you should see
the debug windowfilling with messages.

Then you can use this to check:

if (myTimeline._currentframe == myTimeline._totalframes ){
  //we reached the end

It would be much cleaner to try and fire and listen for an event though.
If you know which timeline and the name of the event, and the captivate
file is already loaded, then a native xerte event response might be able
to pick it up. If you try this, make sure the captivate file is loaded
before you try aqnd set up the event response - do it inside an onLoad
event handler for the captivate file,

I don't know much about captivate...


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