[Xerte] LoadVars

ivor perry ivor.perry at gmail.com
Thu Aug 30 09:37:15 BST 2007

Wow that is some service!

On 8/30/07, Tenney Julian <Julian.Tenney at nottingham.ac.uk> wrote:
>  Paul,
> If you download Xerte form the website now, I have aded IconID.loadVars(url)
> and IconID.sendAndLoadVars(url, loadVarsObjToSend);
> The events to listen for are onLoadVars and onSendAndLoadVars. In both
> cases the resulting loadVars object is IconID.loadVars.
> Can you test it and let me know it works to your satisfaction?
> thanks,
> Julian
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk [mailto:
> xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] *On Behalf Of *Tenney Julian
> *Sent:* 29 August 2007 13:22
> *To:* Xerte discussion list
> *Subject:* RE: [Xerte] Having trouble reading XML from an external script
>  Hi,
> Xerte does do the sendAndLoad a little differently as in Xerte sendAndLoad
> is a method of an icon; in Flash it is a method of an xml object. I did it
> this way because you need to listen for the event and it is easy to set up
> listeners to events broadcast by icons in Xerte, rather than objects.
> I can implement a loadVars in similar fasion if you want?
> To get at the string POSTed into the php page, try this:
> $empty = $post = array();
> foreach ($_POST as $varname => $varvalue) {
>   if (empty($varvalue)) {
>     $empty[$varname] = $varvalue;
>   } else {
>     $post[$varname] = $varvalue;
>   }
> }
> [Thanks to Thomas]
> Julian
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk [mailto:
> xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] *On Behalf Of *Paul Swanson
> *Sent:* 28 August 2007 21:38
> *To:* xerte at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
> *Subject:* RE: [Xerte] Having trouble reading XML from an external script
>  Thanks Julian.
> I'm getting close (I think) to sorting this out. I am able to retreive
> data sent from an external PHP script, but I'm having trouble figuring out
> how to read what is sent to the PHP script. According to an ActionScript
> 1.0 reference I found, sendAndLoad uses the POST method for sending data,
> but I haven't been able to access any POST variables coming in.
> Interestingly, I have a block of code in my PHP script that indicates the
> $_POST array is not empty , but print_r $_POST prints nothing.
> Is there something different in Xerte's implementation of sendAndLoad? The
> reference I have indicates the URL is the first argument for the method,
> with the reply object 2nd, yet your example code has the reply object first
> and the url second.
> Also, is there an implementation of LoadVars that could be used? I'm more
> used to name/value pairs and that might be easier than using XML format.
> My Xerte sending script:
> myId = 5;
> myReq = new XML();
> myReq.query = "<query>SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE id = " + myId + "
> ORDER BY fname</query>";
> xmlPage.sendAndLoad(myReq, 'http://localhost/test/test_xerte.php'<http://localhost/test/test_xerte.php%27>
> );
> My PHP script:
> <?php  # test_xerte.php
> // this script is a test of whether I can connect to a php script through
> Xerte.
> ob_start();
> if (!empty ($_POST)) {
>     echo "<reply>";
>     echo "There is something coming in:<br />";
>     print_r ($_POST);
>     echo "</reply>";
> } else {
>     echo '<reply>The $_POST array was empty.</reply>';
> }
> ob_end_flush();
> ?>
> My Xerte receiving script:
> xmlResponse = xmlPage.templateData.reply;
> replyPage.myText = '<p><b>Response from script: </b>';
> replyPage.myText += '<i>' + xmlResponse + '</i></p>';
> replyPage.myText += "<br /><p>That's all folks!</p><br /><p>Another
> paragraph.</p>";
> This prints:
> *Response from script:* *There is something coming in:*
> That's all folks!
> Another paragraph.
> I think I just need that last bit of knowledge that allows me to parse the
> string that Xerte sends to PHP.
> - Paul
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk [mailto:
> xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] *On Behalf Of *
> xerte at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
> *Sent:* Tuesday, August 28, 2007 1:38 AM
> *To:* xerte at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
> *Subject:* RE: [Xerte] Having trouble reading XML from an external script
>  Close. Loading XML is asynchronous, so the call to load it isn't returned
> straight away. You need to wait for it. I've put a simple example at
> www.nottingham.ac.uk/xerte/examples/loadXML.zip
> - Create a new file
> - Give the first page the id 'xmlPage'
> - add a script to it:
> myReq = new XML('<request/>');
> xmlPage.sendAndLoad(myReq, FileLocation + 'data.xml');
> - Add an interaction ot the page
> - Add an event response to the interaction: eventName: 'onSendAndLoad',
> icon: 'xmlPage'
> - Add a script icon to the event response:
> debug(xmlPage.serverXML);
> debug(xmlPage.templateData.data);
> The first object you can use is the raw xml. Do what you lkike with it. To
> save a lot of processing the xml, it is also available as an object. This
> object follows the structure of the xml file, but you can drill down through
> the hierarchy using dot notation. So, if you have an xml file like this:
> <question>
>   <prompt>Here is a prompt</prompt>
>   <option>
>     <text>True</text>
>     <feedback>You clicked option true</feedback>
>   </option>
>    <option>
>      <text>false</text>
>      <feedback>You clicked option false</feedback>
>    </option>
> </question>
> You access the values of the nodes and attributes using
> iconID.templateData.question[0].prompt[0]; //returns 'here is a prompt'
> or
> iconID.templateData.option[1].text[0]; //returns 'true'
> You can also construct the flowline based on the contents of the xml file
> using the iconID.duplicate function. This means you can easily create
> dynamic templates that build themselves at runtime using the contents of the
> xml. This is a powerful approach and I use it all the time. I'm going to
> document this more fully / write a manual, as it is fairly advanced, both
> conceptually and technically.
> Julian
>  ------------------------------
> *From:* xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk [mailto:
> xerte-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] *On Behalf Of *
> xerte at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
> *Sent:* 24 August 2007 17:41
> *To:* xerte at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
> *Subject:* [Xerte] Having trouble reading XML from an external script
>  Using Xerte 1.7
> I am attempting to display some XML returned from an external PHP script,
> and not having any success. Here is my script icon contents:
> ========
> var xml_msg:String = "<params fname=\"Fred\" lname=\"Smith\" />";
> var my_xml:XML = new XML(xml_msg);
> var myReply:XML = new XML();
> //reply.myText = "Supposed to be the reply from my PHP script";
> //myReply.ignorewhite = true;
> my_xml.sendAndLoad('http://localhost/test/test_xerte.php'<http://localhost/test/test_xerte.php%27>,
> myReply);
> reply.myText = myReply.firstChild.attributes.value;
> =========
> My PHP script isn't doing anything with the data sent to it, it just
> returns some XML:
> =========
> <?php  # test_xerte.php
> // this script is a test of whether I can connect to a php script through
> Xerte.
> echo '<?xml version="1.0" ?>
>     <reply value="Hello, World!" />';
> ?>
> =========
> I've also tried it without the '<?xml version="1.0" ?>' declaration in my
> PHP script. In Xerte, I have a Text Display icon (id=reply) with {myText}
> embedded. It displays "undefined" with the above code. If I comment out the
> last two lines in the Xerte script icon, and uncomment the reply.myText =
> "Supposed to be the reply from my PHP script" that is what prints in Xerte.
> I also get "undefined" if I paste '<reply value="Hello, World!" />' into
> var myReply:XML = new XML('<reply value="Hello, World!" />') and comment out
> the sendAndLoad line, so I have a feeling this problem has nothing to do
> with the PHP script.
> Any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
> _____________________________
> * Paul Swanson*
>  Instructional Designer
>  Harland Financial Solutions
> _____________________________
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