[Xerte-dev] mailing list protocol and duplication

Ron Mitchell ronm at mitchellmedia.co.uk
Wed Sep 24 15:05:14 BST 2014

Hi all

I should start this my saying there is absolutely NO criticism here of
anyone or any recent post - just a prompt and reminder and an explanation


I'm not sure if this happens on the xerte or xertedev lists (I guess Julian
will know?) but on the xerteforteachers list whenever there's a spate of
messages and particularly if that's technical or non-teaching related
discussion we get people leaving the list. This is compounded when we seem
to get duplicated messages e.g. more than one copy of the same message
reaching the list in succession and we've had a few of those at different
times but not entirely sure why it happens. 


Anyway Alistair and I are jiscmail 'owners' of the xerteforteachers list and
although there hasn't been any notifications of people leaving over the last
couple of days it's always something we're keen to avoid if possible as it's
obviously one of the places where we can reach the less technical members of
the community and reserve it for T&L related discussion, examples and of
course relevant announcements. I keep a keen eye on that list in particular
for this reason and sometimes contact people offlist and advise them to
re-post to the more appropriate list or the community forums.


So just a note to ask please be careful when replying to all or posting to
multiple lists and if appropriate remove the xerteforteachers list from the
reply when cross-posting.





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