[Xerte-dev] Re: Identifying Committers

David Goodwin david at palepurple.co.uk
Wed Oct 8 11:48:54 BST 2014

On 08/10/14 11:34, Julian Tenney wrote:
> I'm not a lawyer either... it sounds OK to me, there are many
> examples where a feature exists because a user requested something,
> it doesn't make that feature theirs, but in most cases no money has
> changed hands. Other than the money that Warwick pay you for hosting,
> did any other money change hands for this?

We invoiced them for a chunk of work which was "IT Consultancy for the 
Centre of Applied Linguistics - Updates to the Xerte test site as per 
purchase order xxxxxx"

Where the PO stated ;

Description: Professional Services - IT Consultancy
1. Investigate and fix audio playback (audio slideshow template page)
2. Investigate and fix video playback ensuring html5 player is behaving



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