[Xerte-dev] Re: XOT installation help please

Vicky Greaves Greavesv at beaumontcollege.org
Thu Mar 14 16:03:31 GMT 2013

Both Chrome and IE.
The zip was from Alistair McNaught. Both AssessSnack.zip and knowSnack2.zip - from one of the tutorials, I believe.

I've just created a quick LO in our new XOT (using Chrome). It exported fine but I couldn't re-import it (in Chrome or IE)- the same error 'You can only import Zip Files.'

Our institution has a policy of not using Firefox.

Any ideas?
Thanks very much

From: xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk [mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Dave Burnett
Sent: 14 March 2013 14:55
To: For Xerte technical developers
Subject: [Xerte-dev] Re: XOT installation help please

What browser?
Where/how was the zip created?

From: Greavesv at beaumontcollege.org
To: xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk
Date: Thu, 14 Mar 2013 14:05:26 +0000
Subject: [Xerte-dev] XOT installation help please
We've just installed XOT, this time on Xampp.

When we try to import a project (we're using AssessSnack.zip to test with), we get the error message 'You can only import Zip Files.'

Does anybody know what's causing this, or better still, how to sort it out?

Thanks very much


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