[Xerte-dev] Re: Problems uploading Media

Smith, John J.J.Smith at gcu.ac.uk
Wed Jul 17 16:12:33 BST 2013

Yeah... I remember once thinking of committing something along those lines... and then I forgot... have been a bit commit happy recently... trying to clear a list of bugsfeatures, enhancements, etc that I’l been staring at for a while…

Need to revisit the API and the new editor…


John Smith

Learning Technologist

School of Health & Life Sciences

Glasgow Caledonian University

-----Original Message-----
From: xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk [mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Julian Tenney
Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 4:07 PM
To: For Xerte technical developers
Subject: [Xerte-dev] Re: Problems uploading Media

Or put some code in that says if url.substr(0,4)= = 'http' then don't eval it. That might in fact even be in the engine, it's certainly occurred to me before...

-----Original Message-----

From: xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk> [mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Smith, John

Sent: 17 July 2013 16:04

To: For Xerte technical developers

Subject: [Xerte-dev] Re: Problems uploading Media

Hmm, didn't know about the single quotes thing.. although would make sense since these fields are pretty much all eval-ed...

Single quotes would still baffle my lot... ;-) let alone copy and pasting urls...


John Smith

Learning Technologist

School of Health & Life Sciences

Glasgow Caledonian University

-----Original Message-----

From: xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk> [mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Julian Tenney

Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 3:59 PM

To: For Xerte technical developers

Subject: [Xerte-dev] Re: Problems uploading Media

> We have a streaming server at GCU that all our VLE audio/video goes to - I don't think our IT team will be too keen on people uploading huge videos to the xerte server...

Likewise we are about to start using Kaltura and would prefer users to put their videos there. You can put urls to other servers in the wizard at the moment though, as long as you remember to wrap the URL in single quotes, so it wouldn't be hard to build something that would allow users to select media from elsewhere,

-----Original Message-----

From: xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk> [mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Smith, John

Sent: 17 July 2013 15:55

To: For Xerte technical developers

Subject: [Xerte-dev] Re: Problems uploading Media

I'm thinking of having something similar for the new editor...

A popup that allows you to upload media and also, possibly offload to and select from additional servers... with all the expected bells and whistles these days - drag drop, multiple uploads etc

We have a streaming server at GCU that all our VLE audio/video goes to - I don't think our IT team will be too keen on people uploading huge videos to the xerte server...


John Smith

Learning Technologist

School of Health & Life Sciences

Glasgow Caledonian University

-----Original Message-----

From: xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk> [mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Pat @ Pgogy

Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 3:52 PM

To: For Xerte technical developers

Subject: [Xerte-dev] Re: Problems uploading Media

Or move file upload out of flash.

So have a file upload option outside the editor and have the editor upload replaced by a drop down list of the content of the media folder?

On 17 Jul 2013, at 14:21, "Smith, John" <J.J.Smith at gcu.ac.uk<mailto:J.J.Smith at gcu.ac.uk>> wrote:

> We should develop an HTML5 based editor... wait... what... oh yeah...


> Mental note - less time on forum, more time writing code!!


> Regards,


> John Smith

> Learning Technologist

> School of Health & Life Sciences

> Glasgow Caledonian University



> -----Original Message-----

> From: xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk>

> [mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Pat @

> Pgogy

> Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 2:18 PM

> To: For Xerte technical developers

> Subject: [Xerte-dev] Re: Problems uploading Media


> I suspect overriding isn't an option for most people using commercial

> hosts


> Wondering what we can do to make the upload not a problem. Got to be flash uploaders that don't have this problem.


> On 17 Jul 2013, at 10:04, "Ron Mitchell" <ronm at mitchellmedia.co.uk<mailto:ronm at mitchellmedia.co.uk>> wrote:


>> Whenever I've hit issues with this I've had to edit the rules via a control panel or SSH. I don't know for sure but I would guess that at least with some hosting it may not be possible to override via .htaccess and depending on the plan may not be possible for the account holder to change either.


>> If it is possible to override via .htaccess on the particular hosting

>> then I would guess it should work in the xerte root - shouldn't have

>> to go in the same place as upload.php


>> HTH

>> Ron


>> -----Original Message-----

>> From: xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk>

>> [mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Smith,

>> John

>> Sent: 17 July 2013 09:53

>> To: For Xerte technical developers

>> Subject: [Xerte-dev] Re: Problems uploading Media


>> It seems that this in a .htaccess file could fix to turn filtering off for that file... thanks Ron your suggestion helped narrow it down! Seems to be a common problem with Flash uploaders in particular...


>> Not really sure whether this needs to be in the same folder as the upload.php file or, if it goes in root or elsewhere, whether the path to upload.php needs added... Anyone?


>> <IfModule mod_security.c>

>> <Files upload.php>

>> SecFilterEngine Off

>> SecFilterScanPOST Off

>> </Files>

>> </IfModule>


>> Regards,


>> John Smith

>> Learning Technologist

>> School of Health & Life Sciences

>> Glasgow Caledonian University



>> -----Original Message-----

>> From: xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk>

>> [mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Smith,

>> John

>> Sent: Wednesday, July 17, 2013 9:39 AM

>> To: xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk>

>> Subject: [Xerte-dev] Re: Problems uploading Media


>> Yes Ron you are spot on. Its with the guys server team to figure out what needs to go in to allow upload traffic to pass... At least we know how to spot it in future...


>> Still curious as to why it allows media and quota to upload but blocks flash upload which is supposed to be using same multipart-formdata format. Flash uploader must be breaking something. Server log said something about a missing boundary...


>> We could be doing with a wiki to record all this stuff though.


>> Regards


>> John Smith

>> Learning Technologist

>> School of Health and Life Sciences


>> Sent from Samsung Galaxy SII




>> Ron Mitchell <ronm at mitchellmedia.co.uk<mailto:ronm at mitchellmedia.co.uk>> wrote:



>> Sorry I've not been contributing lately - still busy with all sort of other stuff but just skim reading this and may be wrong but is the reference to mod_sec related to the Apache mod_security module? I've hit promlems with that in the past (mostly Moodle) where you have to add exceptions to the mod_security rules to allow the requests being blocked.


>> HTH

>> Ron


>> -----Original Message-----

>> From: xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk>

>> [mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk] On Behalf Of Smith,

>> John

>> Sent: 17 July 2013 09:05

>> To: xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk>

>> Subject: [Xerte-dev] Re: Problems uploading Media


>> Wizard -> Upload.php uses files array too, multipart-formdata  so think that bit is ok... Its only the cookie passing that is different? No?


>> I was wondering though if its the fact that we pickup the session token and pass it back to upload in the querystring that is being flagged. But I've seen many a site doing that...


>> Regards


>> John Smith

>> Learning Technologist

>> School of Health and Life Sciences


>> Sent from Samsung Galaxy SII




>> "Pat @ Pgogy" <xerte at pgogywebstuff.com<mailto:xerte at pgogywebstuff.com>> wrote:



>> Sorry for not being more on this


>> Media and quote uses the file array in php, which might explain this.


>> XML is just a string


>> I suspect different policies on both hence security firing off.


>> If still an issue try print_r files,post,get and request


>> See if they behave differently?


>> On 16 Jul 2013, at 15:48, "Smith, John" <J.J.Smith at gcu.ac.uk<mailto:J.J.Smith at gcu.ac.uk<mailto:J.J.Smith at gcu.ac.uk%3cmailto:J.J.Smith at gcu.ac.uk>>> wrote:


>> I need more than a pint!!


>> I’m glad we’ve proved though that it’s not Xerte. Why Media & Quota

>> tab  is able to do a post though is strange and XML to save.php


>> Regards,


>> John Smith

>> Learning Technologist

>> School of Health & Life Sciences

>> Glasgow Caledonian University


>> From:

>> xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lis<mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk%3cmailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lis>

>> t s.nottingham.ac.uk>

>> [mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk]

>> On Behalf Of Julian Tenney

>> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 3:44 PM

>> To: For Xerte technical developers

>> Subject: [Xerte-dev] Re: Problems uploading Media


>> That’s great work there, thanks a lot. Hoist yourself a pint o’ heavy on me.


>> From:

>> xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lis<mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk%3cmailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lis>

>> t s.nottingham.ac.uk>

>> [mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk]

>> On Behalf Of Smith, John

>> Sent: 16 July 2013 14:55

>> To: For Xerte technical developers

>> Subject: [Xerte-dev] Re: Problems uploading Media


>> And now I’ve run the bioset server through a request method scanner

>> and it reports the same… POST methods are being filtered through

>> /mod_sec.html



>> Filtered Request Methods (Not 200 OR 405)



>> POST / HTTP/1.0

>> Host: uol-bioset.com<http://uol-bioset.com>

>> Accept-Encoding: deflate, gzip

>> Accept: */*

>> Referer:

>> http://www.askapache.com/online-tools/request-method-scanner/


>> HTTP/1.1 302 Found

>> Date: Tue, 16 Jul 2013 13:50:07 GMT

>> Server: Apache

>> Location: /mod_sec.html

>> Content-Length: 197

>> Connection: close

>> Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1


>> Regards,


>> John Smith

>> Learning Technologist

>> School of Health & Life Sciences

>> Glasgow Caledonian University


>> From:

>> xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lis<mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk%3cmailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lis>

>> t s.nottingham.ac.uk>

>> [mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk]

>> On Behalf Of Smith, John

>> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 2:47 PM

>> To: For Xerte technical developers

>> Subject: [Xerte-dev] Re: Problems uploading Media


>> Ah didn’t read as far as I should have… 302 also returns a

>> redirection URL, which in this case is /mod_sec.html


>> <image001.jpg>


>> http://www.askapache.com/htaccess/modsecurity-htaccess-tricks.html


>> 1.       Request URL:

>> http://uol-bioset.com/xerte/modules/xerte/engine/upload.php?path=USER-FILES/15-jjs-Nottingham/media/&BROWSER=safari&AUTH=xerte&PHPSESSID=9c0a954bc3d99c4eabff83204628g53u

>> 2.       Request Method:


>> 3.       Status Code:

>> 302 Found

>> 4.       Request Headersview source

>> 1.       Accept:

>> */*

>> 2.       Accept-Encoding:

>> gzip,deflate,sdch

>> 3.       Accept-Language:

>> en-US,en;q=0.8

>> 4.       Connection:

>> keep-alive

>> 5.       Content-Length:

>> 595710

>> 6.       Content-Type:

>> multipart/form-data; boundary=----------KM7Ef1KM7Ij5Ef1ae0Ef1Ef1gL6GI3

>> 7.       Cookie:

>> PHPSESSID=9c0a954bc3d99c4eabff83204628g53u

>> 8.       Host:

>> uol-bioset.com<http://uol-bioset.com>

>> 9.       Origin:

>> http://uol-bioset.com

>> 10.    Referer:

>> http://uol-bioset.com/xerte/edit.php?template_id=15

>> 11.    User-Agent:

>> Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/28.0.1500.72 Safari/537.36

>> 5.       Query String Parametersview sourceview URL encoded

>> 1.       path:

>> USER-FILES/15-jjs-Nottingham/media/

>> 2.       BROWSER:

>> safari

>> 3.       AUTH:

>> xerte

>> 4.       PHPSESSID:

>> 9c0a954bc3d99c4eabff8324ba411514

>> 6.       Request Payload

>> 1.       ------------KM7Ef1KM7Ij5Ef1ae0Ef1Ef1gL6GI3 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Filename" Hydrangeas.jpg ------------KM7Ef1KM7Ij5Ef1ae0Ef1Ef1gL6GI3 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Filedata"; filename="Hydrangeas.jpg" Content-Type: application/octet-stream ------------KM7Ef1KM7Ij5Ef1ae0Ef1Ef1gL6GI3 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="Upload" Submit Query ------------KM7Ef1KM7Ij5Ef1ae0Ef1Ef1gL6GI3--

>> 7.       Response Headersview source

>> 1.       Connection:

>> Keep-Alive

>> 2.       Content-Length:

>> 197

>> 3.       Content-Type:

>> text/html; charset=iso-8859-1

>> 4.       Date:

>> Tue, 16 Jul 2013 13:14:18 GMT

>> 5.       Keep-Alive:

>> timeout=5, max=100

>> 6.       Location:

>> /mod_sec.html

>> 7.       Server:

>> Apache




>> Regards,


>> John Smith

>> Learning Technologist

>> School of Health & Life Sciences

>> Glasgow Caledonian University


>> From:

>> xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lis<mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk%3cmailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lis>

>> t s.nottingham.ac.uk>

>> [mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk]

>> On Behalf Of Smith, John

>> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 2:39 PM

>> To: For Xerte technical developers

>> Subject: [Xerte-dev] Re: Problems uploading Media


>> And so the plot thickens…


>> On uploading some media on the bioset server and monitoring the network traffic in Chrome Dev Tools, you get this:


>> <image002.png>


>> Notice the ‘302 – Found’ code. Now I wasn’t sure if that was right or not. 302-Found usually means “Yes the file is here so please submit again!!”. So I tried on my server and get this:


>> <image003.png>


>> So what I expected, a 200 OK code… The thing is, if I copy the bioset

>> url that received the 302 code,

>> …upload.php?path=USER-FILES/15-jjs-Nottingham/media/&BROWSER=safari&A

>> U

>> TH=xerte&PHPSESSID=sessid_removed


>> Then YES, It does update the parameters.txt file so upload.php is

>> being executed on the GET request but not on a POST request…


>> Anyone know what could cause that on a Linux server?? I definitely think that this is a server issue and not the code but why??


>> Regards,


>> John Smith

>> Learning Technologist

>> School of Health & Life Sciences

>> Glasgow Caledonian University


>> From:

>> xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lis<mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk%3cmailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lis>

>> t s.nottingham.ac.uk>

>> [mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk]

>> On Behalf Of Smith, John

>> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 1:48 PM

>> To: For Xerte technical developers

>> Subject: [Xerte-dev] Re: Problems uploading Media


>> I have full access as user and admin…


>> Not to the filesystem…


>> But as far as I can ascertain, upload.php is never being called. The very first line is now:


>> file_put_contents('parameters.txt', var_export($_GET, true), true);


>> and when you try to upload the media it says successful but the

>> parameters.txt file hasn’t changed… at first I thought we had changed

>> /modules/xerte/engine/upload.php and the site one was being called

>> but that doesn’t appear to be the case either…


>> Regards,


>> John Smith

>> Learning Technologist

>> School of Health & Life Sciences

>> Glasgow Caledonian University


>> From:

>> xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lis<mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk%3cmailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lis>

>> t s.nottingham.ac.uk>

>> [mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk]

>> On Behalf Of Julian Tenney

>> Sent: Tuesday, July 16, 2013 1:39 PM

>> To: For Xerte technical developers

>> Subject: [Xerte-dev] Re: Problems uploading Media


>> The other weird thing was media and quota didn’t work, and then suddenly did. That made me think liveware was to blame, but I don’t think it is in this case, and if you have access and can replicate, then it’s not that. Do you have full access to the server to try stuff on? That would help a lot if we can avoid having to bounce everything through the forum.


>> From:

>> xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lis<mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk%3cmailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lis>

>> t s.nottingham.ac.uk>

>> [mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk]

>> On Behalf Of Julian Tenney

>> Sent: 16 July 2013 13:36

>> To: For Xerte technical developers

>> Subject: [Xerte-dev] Re: Problems uploading Media


>> No, I’m stumped. It’s not really my area - thanks for your persistence. Can you prove whether upload.php is being called or not?



>> -


>> From:

>> xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lis<mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk%3cmailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lis>

>> t s.nottingham.ac.uk>

>> [mailto:xerte-dev-bounces at lists.nottingham.ac.uk]

>> On Behalf Of Smith, John

>> Sent: 16 July 2013 13:27

>> To:

>> xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac<mailto:xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk%3cmailto:xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac>.

>> uk>

>> Subject: [Xerte-dev] Problems uploading Media


>> Hi,


>> Decided to take this off the Forum… still not getting anywhere with

>> it though…


>> So, I’ve patched the upload.php file to write out the $_GET parameter

>> to see what’s being passed from the editor… the thing is that NOTHING

>> is being passed, in fact upload.php doesn’t even look as if it’s

>> being called…


>> If you go here

>> http://uol-bioset.com/xerte/modules/xerte/engine/upload.php?name=John

>> then it writes to parameters.txt at

>> http://uol-bioset.com/xerte/modules/xerte/engine/parameters.txt


>> Now with this on my server, after uploading, parameters.txt looks like this:


>> array (

>> 'path' => 'USER-FILES/2-john-Nottingham/media/',

>> 'BROWSER' => 'safari',

>> 'AUTH' => 'xerte',

>> 'PHPSESSID' => 'odF2q4By53rgwvYyJwcgo0',

>> )


>> However, even now that I have access to the server, and can login and upload stuff via the upload button, parameters.txt never changes… even calling http://uol-bioset.com/xerte/modules/xerte/engine/upload.php with no parameters set shout just write an empty array but nothing is written, the upload path looks right (same as mine anyway).


>> upload.php?path=


>> Anyone have any ideas?


>> Regards,


>> John Smith

>> Learning Technologist

>> School of Health & Life Sciences

>> Glasgow Caledonian University



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>> Xerte-dev mailing list

>> Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac<mailto:Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk%3cmailto:Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac>.

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>> Glasgow Caledonian University is a registered Scottish charity,

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>> SC021474


>> Winner: Times Higher Education’s Widening Participation Initiative of the Year 2009 and Herald Society’s Education Initiative of the Year 2009.

>> http://www.gcu.ac.uk/newsevents/news/bycategory/theuniversity/1/name,

>> 6

>> 219,en.html


>> Winner: Times Higher Education’s Outstanding Support for Early Career Researchers of the Year 2010, GCU as a lead with Universities Scotland partners.

>> http://www.gcu.ac.uk/newsevents/news/bycategory/theuniversity/1/name,

>> 1 5691,en.html _______________________________________________

>> Xerte-dev mailing list

>> Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk>

>> http://lists.nottingham.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/xerte-dev



>> _______________________________________________

>> Xerte-dev mailing list

>> Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk>

>> http://lists.nottingham.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/xerte-dev


>> Glasgow Caledonian University is a registered Scottish charity,

>> number

>> SC021474


>> Winner: Times Higher Education’s Widening Participation Initiative of the Year 2009 and Herald Society’s Education Initiative of the Year 2009.

>> http://www.gcu.ac.uk/newsevents/news/bycategory/theuniversity/1/name,

>> 6

>> 219,en.html


>> Winner: Times Higher Education’s Outstanding Support for Early Career Researchers of the Year 2010, GCU as a lead with Universities Scotland partners.

>> http://www.gcu.ac.uk/newsevents/news/bycategory/theuniversity/1/name,

>> 1 5691,en.html _______________________________________________

>> Xerte-dev mailing list

>> Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk>

>> http://lists.nottingham.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/xerte-dev


>> Glasgow Caledonian University is a registered Scottish charity,

>> number

>> SC021474


>> Winner: Times Higher Education’s Widening Participation Initiative of the Year 2009 and Herald Society’s Education Initiative of the Year 2009.

>> http://www.gcu.ac.uk/newsevents/news/bycategory/theuniversity/1/name,

>> 6

>> 219,en.html


>> Winner: Times Higher Education’s Outstanding Support for Early Career Researchers of the Year 2010, GCU as a lead with Universities Scotland partners.

>> http://www.gcu.ac.uk/newsevents/news/bycategory/theuniversity/1/name,

>> 1 5691,en.html _______________________________________________

>> Xerte-dev mailing list

>> Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk>

>> http://lists.nottingham.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/xerte-dev



>> _______________________________________________

>> Xerte-dev mailing list

>> Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk>

>> http://lists.nottingham.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/xerte-dev


> _______________________________________________

> Xerte-dev mailing list

> Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk>

> http://lists.nottingham.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/xerte-dev


> Glasgow Caledonian University is a registered Scottish charity, number

> SC021474


> Winner: Times Higher Education’s Widening Participation Initiative of the Year 2009 and Herald Society’s Education Initiative of the Year 2009.

> http://www.gcu.ac.uk/newsevents/news/bycategory/theuniversity/1/name,6

> 219,en.html


> Winner: Times Higher Education’s Outstanding Support for Early Career Researchers of the Year 2010, GCU as a lead with Universities Scotland partners.

> http://www.gcu.ac.uk/newsevents/news/bycategory/theuniversity/1/name,1

> 5691,en.html _______________________________________________

> Xerte-dev mailing list

> Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk>

> http://lists.nottingham.ac.uk/mailman/listinfo/xerte-dev


Xerte-dev mailing list

Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk>


Glasgow Caledonian University is a registered Scottish charity, number SC021474

Winner: Times Higher Education’s Widening Participation Initiative of the Year 2009 and Herald Society’s Education Initiative of the Year 2009.


Winner: Times Higher Education’s Outstanding Support for Early Career Researchers of the Year 2010, GCU as a lead with Universities Scotland partners.



Xerte-dev mailing list

Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk>



Xerte-dev mailing list

Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk>


Glasgow Caledonian University is a registered Scottish charity, number SC021474

Winner: Times Higher Education’s Widening Participation Initiative of the Year 2009 and Herald Society’s Education Initiative of the Year 2009.


Winner: Times Higher Education’s Outstanding Support for Early Career Researchers of the Year 2010, GCU as a lead with Universities Scotland partners.



Xerte-dev mailing list

Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk>



Xerte-dev mailing list

Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk<mailto:Xerte-dev at lists.nottingham.ac.uk>


Glasgow Caledonian University is a registered Scottish charity, number SC021474

Winner: Times Higher Education’s Widening Participation Initiative of the Year 2009 and Herald Society’s Education Initiative of the Year 2009.

Winner: Times Higher Education’s Outstanding Support for Early Career Researchers of the Year 2010, GCU as a lead with Universities Scotland partners.
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