[Xerte-dev] Too many places with duplicate code, and I lost track....

Tom Reijnders reijnders at tor.nl
Mon Feb 18 08:00:33 GMT 2013

I've got a problem with a xot installation and a scorm export.

This particular RLO is using the embedDiv model, and it works fine if 
you publish it from XOT, but exported to SCORM (can't test normal export 
yet, need user credentials first), it doesn't work.

As far as I can tell now, it's because the embedDiv tries to call 
resizePopup, but that doesn't exit in scormRLO.htm. As far as I can tell 
it doen's exist in modules/xerte/player/RLOobject.htm (used for a normal 
export) either, and I think it should.

A lot of code that is in the rlo object is duplicated.

There is a rloObject.js in the root of xerte that is similar but 
different than the rloObject.js used for export. There is popupCode in 
play.php, and in scromRLO.htm, rloObject.htm, scorm2004.htm, but the 
latter 3 miss some functions that are in player.php.

At some point in time we should clean this up. For now, Am I correct 
that resizePopup should be in scromRLO.htm, rloObject.htm, scorm2004.htm?




Tom Reijnders
TOR Informatica
Chopinlaan 27
5242HM Rosmalen
Tel: 073 5226191
Fax: 073 5226196

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