[Xerte-dev] Pre 1.8 / Post 1.8

Pat Lockley patrick.lockley at googlemail.com
Sat May 26 19:44:17 BST 2012


I've got a WordPress module which does a half decent job of displaying
a http://simile.mit.edu timeline

It would be relatively trival to strip the code out and making a free
standing PHP class / creator.

With WordPress and Drupal, you can add new modules by using a
formatted text file in the modules, or plugins folder.

Would it make sense to remove, or allow for submission into
originaltemplatesdetails by basically looping over a folder? This way
it'd be simpler to add a module.


David / Tom - We could add a call to see if the SVN had updated as
part of the script? Would maybe help out on that front?


The bigger issue, is that if I do this (and the above makes sense even
without adding new things) some stuff created in XOT isn't Xerte.

My thinking was I can write a moodle extension to do it, but that's a
lot of work.



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